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Herd Mentality pertaining to Emos and Chuck Norris

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
    Steven Segal??? <sigh>

    I liked his stuff when it first came out. And maybe the 2nd movie... after that, it all got so damn repetitive and predictable I tuned out...He's always a former seal, or something... and it must be so damn depressive for him losing all those wives to assassins 5 years earlier...

    Normally, you'd be at least be able to say that those are the sort of movies that he gets put into, but when you start producing, writing and directing them yourself...????

    Since we're on this topic (now )... what about Jet Li? Jackie Chan?


    One of the Chuck Norris facts that makes me like the guy... He flat out called Steven Segal out when he heard he was using bodyguards Challenged him to a match (No response, of course). He also *beat* Bruce Lee, and then publicly said it was because he was a competition fighter...and Bruce Lee was a *real* fighter trying to figure out the rules...who would have wiped the floor with him in a real fight. For a 'macho' guy who's just won a fight to say that shows honor, IMO, and a good deal of class. Ok, two facts :P
    Happiness is too rare in this world to actually lose it because someone wishes it upon you. -Flyndaran


    • #32

      I originally heard the CN jokes as 'Vin Diesel' jokes, and they made me laugh. I honestly found them less amusing as Chuck Norris jokes.


      I know, am friends with, work with, and will likely soon be training with people who have real reasons to think Life Sucks, who have reason to think other people have it better than them, and yet I don't know a single one who lets it get to them. Every one of them functions normally, and, in fact, excel, because they work hard to get what they never had. Yet the four people at work (Besides me, of course, I'm happy to accept I was a lucky bastard), who actually have decent homes, with two loving parents, a roof over their heads, transport to and from work, etc. are the only ones going and trying to get attention drawn to how 'bad' their life is. I hate them because, as an 18 year old who knows he got lucky, knows he had it easy, and works to give something back to the country that made that possible, I take problems I have, what few exist, and I deal with them. These people have problems no worse than mine, and so they give everyone born in thee same decade as I was a bad name in order to get some attention.


      • #33
        Evandril - they tend to have bodyguards so that they don't continualy get picked by morons who want to take them on.

        hey, Shards, how about automatic conscription for all emos?
        ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

        SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


        • #34
          I enjoy the things that Chuck Norris was in. All the movies and the Texas Ranger show. This jokes got real old after the second time of seeing them.

          Emos: I have no problem with them. Oh wow, they cut themselves, have long black hair covering one eye, wear tight pants. Who gives a damn?


          • #35
            I think some of you will enjoy this:



            • #36
              Originally posted by Shards View Post
              I think some of you will enjoy this:

              I think I just pissed myself from laughing too hard!
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


              • #37
                Originally posted by Boozy View Post
                Is anyone else here old enough to remember grunge
                Oh god... Don't remind me.

                I'm not old enough to have been part of it: I was a little kid when it was the big thing, and my parents mere too old to be part of it, but dear lord, I remember grunge.

                At least some of the music was better than the shit emos listen to.


                • #38
                  Humans acting like groups is normal and we must remember that we unique "goats" are the weird ones by definition. Try not to get too cocky with labels.
                  In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is labelled a lunatic, so be careful and resist the urge to look down on others for non-hurtful behaviors.
                  If I liked to dress all in black, and use certain phrases often, then I would still be hurting no one and don't deserve a denigration.
                  Ease up everyone. We all have bad hair dos in the past we feel silly about now. These fads are just the present people's "past".

