I post on a soccer forum, crapload of boards (Sly you'll like this). On the Chelsea team we have a German playing for us at the moment (This is important). Good player. Now on our boards we get the occasional visitor who is wondering how a player on our squad who happens to play for the visitor's country is doing. Most of the time they're usually polite and will either just move on checking back occasionally or will be friendly enough and give us suggestions for players we might need. The first part as I said, are quite nice.
However, there's the idiots who get on our nerves and have such a strange love to the player that it's not even ****ing funny. As I mentioned earlier, we have a German playing for us. We've had the occasional visitor but there is this one German national team fanboy that is getting some of us really pissed off. He is suggesting that we get a midfielder because one of our midfielders (Who has been getting us 19-20 goals a season) is "too static" for us. This same midfielder has won us a lot. And no matter how we put it to him it's driving us nuts that he still can't get the point. It's gotten bad that even his fellow supporters are thinking he's nuts.

However, there's the idiots who get on our nerves and have such a strange love to the player that it's not even ****ing funny. As I mentioned earlier, we have a German playing for us. We've had the occasional visitor but there is this one German national team fanboy that is getting some of us really pissed off. He is suggesting that we get a midfielder because one of our midfielders (Who has been getting us 19-20 goals a season) is "too static" for us. This same midfielder has won us a lot. And no matter how we put it to him it's driving us nuts that he still can't get the point. It's gotten bad that even his fellow supporters are thinking he's nuts.
