The thing I hate most of all right now is that the state I've lived my entire life in, the state I originally planned to spend my entire life in, is no longer "the Free State". Over the last few years, the various state and local governments have conspired to make Maryland into a police state with massive Big Brother tendencies! 
I could post a rather lengthy rant detailing all of the reasons for this, but luckily for all of you reading this, I don't have to. The website StopBigBrotherMD.Org has already done this FOR ME! PLEASE click the link and read the site.
Spend a little time on the site, read some of the stories about what's going on in the supposed "Free State". And realize that if the area you live in is not yet like this, it may be headed that way in the near future. And it's up to YOU to do EVERYTHING you can, legally, to stop this from happening. Become more aware of what bills are making their way through your local and state governments. Write to your government officials. Organize others to get them to do the same. Demand that the citizens of your area be given the right to VOTE on whether or not they want these things! DO YOUR PART. Join the Rebel Alliance and fight back LEGALLY against the Evil Empire!
In the meantime, I'm currently planning my escape. After receiving literally hundreds of dollars in tickets from the damn speed trap cameras that are sprouting up like weeds everywhere you look, I'm calling it quits. I'm in the early stages of planning my move out of the state of my birth, never to return except for occasional, brief visits to see family and friends.
Read the site, realize that YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO by government agencies in regards to the reasons for deploying these Big Brother tactics, and do something about it. Stand up for your rights, let the local officials know that they can't act like a bunch ofNAZIS Communists STREET JUDGES FROM THE COMIC BOOK JUDGE DREDD and get away with it! We'll all be better off.

I could post a rather lengthy rant detailing all of the reasons for this, but luckily for all of you reading this, I don't have to. The website StopBigBrotherMD.Org has already done this FOR ME! PLEASE click the link and read the site.

Spend a little time on the site, read some of the stories about what's going on in the supposed "Free State". And realize that if the area you live in is not yet like this, it may be headed that way in the near future. And it's up to YOU to do EVERYTHING you can, legally, to stop this from happening. Become more aware of what bills are making their way through your local and state governments. Write to your government officials. Organize others to get them to do the same. Demand that the citizens of your area be given the right to VOTE on whether or not they want these things! DO YOUR PART. Join the Rebel Alliance and fight back LEGALLY against the Evil Empire!
In the meantime, I'm currently planning my escape. After receiving literally hundreds of dollars in tickets from the damn speed trap cameras that are sprouting up like weeds everywhere you look, I'm calling it quits. I'm in the early stages of planning my move out of the state of my birth, never to return except for occasional, brief visits to see family and friends.
Read the site, realize that YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO by government agencies in regards to the reasons for deploying these Big Brother tactics, and do something about it. Stand up for your rights, let the local officials know that they can't act like a bunch of