I remember being in high school and hearing about this new thing called Ebay...and it was awesome! I could find almost anything I wanted and relatively easy.
Now? I'm not evne sure it's the same website. I just went on looking for computers, and the first hundred results at least were either old XP computers or ADS for computer sales. Everyone lists these .99 cent auctions and then it just says "COME TO MY WEBSITE AT PIECEOFSHITCOMPUTERS.COM TO GET A GREAT DEAL!"
they should not allow this. It should be "sell your shit here" not "Advertise for your business here." They should make people have legitimate auctions, not all this extraneous wholesale bulk inventory third party crap. I want to search for something used, get it from John Doe in Anytown, USA, and have it mailed to me in exchange for a sum of money.
Trade Chat in WoW is more productive than this.
Now? I'm not evne sure it's the same website. I just went on looking for computers, and the first hundred results at least were either old XP computers or ADS for computer sales. Everyone lists these .99 cent auctions and then it just says "COME TO MY WEBSITE AT PIECEOFSHITCOMPUTERS.COM TO GET A GREAT DEAL!"
they should not allow this. It should be "sell your shit here" not "Advertise for your business here." They should make people have legitimate auctions, not all this extraneous wholesale bulk inventory third party crap. I want to search for something used, get it from John Doe in Anytown, USA, and have it mailed to me in exchange for a sum of money.
Trade Chat in WoW is more productive than this.