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Why are you still arguing?

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  • Why are you still arguing?

    This is something I see a lot on debate boards, and it annoys me. Not as much here, but it still annoys me. Someone makes a big post, that goes something like

    Point. Elaboration on point. Double elaboration.
    Then someone replies with
    Refutation of point!

    Elaboration on point
    Repeat refutation!

    Double elaboration
    I already proved you wrong twice, why are you still arguing this?

    This really annoys me. They're 'still' arguing this because their timeline doesn't match up to yours. See, unlike a face to face conversation, if you're refuting one post, they can't have changed that post in light of your refutation until AFTER they read what you've just posted.

    Its a smug asshole move that really annoys me when I see it. Was watching "Screw Loose Change", a refutation of a the 9/11 truther documentary "Loose Change" and the guy keeps seeming to expect Loose Change to conform to his arguments. He mocks them when they keep on a point after he's disproved it.

    For the record, I think what we know about 9/11 is what actually happened. There may be something we don't know, but if there is, its probably details, nothing as big or sinister as Loose Change implies. Loose Change is a really crappy documentary, but even the world's greatest documentarians can't change their videos in response to you WHILE YOU ANALYZE THEM.

    Sorry, that's just a thing that pisses me off.
    "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
    ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"

  • #2
    Something else I see on boards is a total lack of respect when someone disagrees with you.

    *RAGE You're wroonnng*
    *response post*
    *Insult, you're a sheeple blah blah rage*
    *response about why they feel a certain way*
    *More insults, see my PROOF blah blah blah*

    People have wildly different views and don't always see eye-to-eye. You may have "facts" that someone else doesn't agree with. Fine. But it seems like posters writing the angriest and most emotional remarks blame everyone else for not "seeking out the truth", for being morons, for working for the company/organization being complained about, etc. I'd love to see a sensible discussion of things, but people can't express an opinion without being attacked or attacking others.

    One reason I like CS is that people generally play nice and the Mods enforce it. Some of the mods on other forums I read are


    • #3
      This is why there are only four sites I regularly post on, because the discussions are usually decent. I don't touch Yahoo, YouTube or IMDB with a ten foot pole.


      • #4
        I would like a little basic respect from people, yes, but that's the thing that gets me the most.
        "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
        ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"

