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Rewriting that I am the super villain

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  • Rewriting that I am the super villain

    Honestly I don't mind rewriting history. I get that there are sometimes things we aren't too proud of or that could be uncomfortable. For example you and your wife bump into an ex one that you say hi catch up for a minute or two and go your separate ways you both know you will never ever be seeing each other again. So when your wife later asks, "So who was that" you comment oh just an old friend.

    No problem you merely rewrote the part where she was an ex because you only dated for 3 months that summer before college and really it would only cause a fight over nothing.

    That being said let me set the scene. This touches on a girl that I have talked about in the past. This girl was a friend of mine and my ex-wife though my ex had known her longer I had become friends with the girl long before even meeting my ex much less marrying her.

    After my ex and I split some friends felt compelled to choose sides, I didn't ask them too. This girl chose my side and when I moved back to town she was one of the few friends of mine that was virtually single.

    While she was living with a guy the relationship wasn't too solid and she didn't feel awkward around me, the first one in our group that was married and divorced not the way I wanted to be a trendsetter.

    As part of my getting on with my life I returned to school and she was finishing school. So for that year we hung out a lot and I will admit it I fell in love with her. She wasn't the rebound believe me I know who the rebound was. For the most part I was going to let it go but for a few things.

    She said I was her best friend. She always swore she wanted to marry her best friend.

    She worked as a CNA specifically in a home for people with Alzheimers when she had a bad day at work she came to me so I could hold her and make her feel better.

    I could go on but basically I knew her better and in ways her boyfriend at the time never did...does.

    I tried to respect their friendship but I had in the past kept my mouth shut and had regrets about lost chances. So taking a wild shot in the dark I told her I was in love with her.

    She responded by telling me she didn't feel the same way then showing me the house she grew up in, the school she went too and telling me she wished her boyfriend was like me. When he proposed the first call she made was to me to apologize for saying yes to him.

    Unable to keep being friends with my feelings for her and her seeming to choose comfort over taking a chance on what I thought she felt for me.

    Now then the reason I cover all of that is because to me that was big history honestly I may have misread what some of those things meant and fine I eventually got over it moved on and put her in the special place in my heart you reserve for lost loves.

    7 years later she started talking to me again but at the same time not. I would get invites to buy products from her through some Tupperware type company. Eventually though there was an invite to join her team for Race for the Cure a Walkathon essentially designed to raise money for cancer.

    Having lost family to Cancer and at the same time seeing an opportunity to reconnect with an old friend that I missed, as she was one of the few people that knew me when I was a wet behind the ears punk.

    I figured that she always downplayed our friendship to her husband or even rewrote history so that I never made my confession these are as said reasonable things to do and I could accept that.

    Rather what she did well before I tell you what her history says let me tell you what her version of history means.

    If her history was true:

    I never knew her husband as anything but some roommate she had before I left town.

    I never knew that she finished her Bachelor's in Psychology but wasn't able to find work in the field.

    I never knew she had watched the entire show Dawson's Creek , my favorite show at the time, and loved the finale.

    This is what would be true if her version of history was true.

    So what does her history say that we never reconnected when I returned to town that we lost touch when I got married and moved my family?

    No according to her version of history we lost touch when I hit her in the face at a party.

    Yes instead of rewriting history so that I was an old friend whose life simply took him in a different direction I am now a woman beater who hit her cuz I got mad.

    I wonder if I was twirling my mustache?
    Jack Faire