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WHO the fuck are you?!?!??

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  • WHO the fuck are you?!?!??

    I was extremely fucking pissed today after a phone call. I get a call from my sisters phone and I say hello, and they go.
    caller "Who the fuck is this?"
    me "You fucking called me, who the fuck are you?"
    caller "D B your brother inlaw" (barely heard it)
    caller "D B your brother inlaw"
    me "Ah ok whats up???"
    caller "What the fuck are you doing adding my friends wife on facebook?"
    me "What are you talking about?"
    me ....
    me "Oh wait is that the cute blonde who I had no idea who the fuck was but added me?"(This is about 3-4 hrs later)
    and then a hung up before I told him to go choke on a fucking dick.

    Seriously Your a douche bag go fuck yourself, I hope I never meet you in person because I now harbor such contempt I don't know if I can keep from wanting to bust a baseball bat against your think skull. Second time I have talked to him since they got married 2 months ago. I'm not fucking thrilled. A month ago when my dad and brother went to move her a state over to be with him after 2 days my dad could not speak to him because he was also harboring such contempt and I really see it now. Your not my master you have no fucking right to tell me who the fuck I can or can not friend, if you sniper friend has a problem with it, tough shit his wife added me, even then it is not worth fucking calling me and being a douche bag over. Only time I plan to be in same location as him is the divorce hearing to attest to what a DB, otherwise I don't give a fuck if I ever meet him.

  • #2
    If anyone on here is a fraternity brother please understand I am talking stereotypes and don't flame.

    That being said this guy sounds too much like my brother stereotypical fratboy loves to play Halo only reads books about war and no female is allowed to have any male friends because of course her poor little mind will fall prey to him and cheat on her husband.

    Seriously from what I can see this guy is a dying breed and thank god. We need douches like him like France needs a second Eiffel Tower.

    I say ignore him and if he decides to show up and attack you press charges even if your sister gets mad at you for it cuz people like your sister standing up for guys like that are why guys like that get the "I am invulnerable cuz no one dares cross me"

    I knew a guy like that in the service and he was bragging, yes bragging, about the fact he knocked up a girl and left her holding the bag as it were.
    Jack Faire


    • #3
      now my sister is on fb trying to reason with me.

      sis "you hung up on your brother in law"

      did I?
      I'm not claiming him
      Maybe if he actually tried to have a conversation instead of being a fucking control freak I would speak with him. Instead he can go fuck himself"

      sis "eh. he was asking you a question. "

      me "NO
      he wasn't
      he was being a fucking prick
      Calling me and asking who the fuck is this off your phone
      Fuck him
      Fuck him for giving a shit who I friend on facebook"

      sis "well aren't you sensitive. I was sitting there. you acted like you didn't know who you were talking to through half of it, and he asked why you added his best friends wife on fb"

      me "actually for that matter who randomly friends me and i accept
      FUCK HIM
      He started it with his attitude"

      I'm sorry I still don't give a shit becasue 5hrs later, it is still pissing me the fuck off that he thinks I give a shit who he is. I WILL NOT be disrespected by some piece of shit married to my sister or not.


      • #4
        wow seriously if your sister doesn't get how who you friend on facebook no matter who initiated the friending is none of her husbands damn business then no offense but she needs some therapy.
        Jack Faire


        • #5
          You know, if I ever picked up the phone and was greeting by some asshead saying "who the fuck are you?", the conversation would not have proceeded past that point. I would have simply hung up.

          I don't have any patience for when I pick up the phone and someone says "who is this?" that's just straight up out of line. I will say "You called me." If they don't get the hint after that, I will simply hang up.

          Some people have said "Who do you think this is?" to which my standard answer is "someone who's fixing to get hung up on."

          I don't care for that shit.


          • #6
            Reminds me of a random call I got once...I answer the phone and it's "Have you been hitting Jeffrey?" (my stepson).

            "ExCUSE me!?" Is my reply...

            Then the all powerful douchebag comeback - "YOU HEARD ME."

            Now I know he's just being a douche. He cares nothing for the child, he just wants to compensate for his tiny penis.

            We argued a bit, him acting all tough. When I finally told him he can come over and discuss it with me in person if he wants, guess what, no show.

            Just like the guy in OP's post. He cared nothing for his friend's wife. He just wanted to be big and bad. You can tell by the attitude. If said douchebag on my end really cared about the child, he'd have had a conversation with me. If your douchebag REALLY cared about his friend's wife, he'd also have had a conversation with you. The fact that he wasn't willing to proves beyond a doubt he was just trying to start trouble.

            My favorite way of dealing with guys is to cause trouble back. Typically by associations he'd rather not have. For my douchebags, they usually are on drugs, so if their dealer thinks they work for the DEA...bad news for them. Maybe you make it look like he's been hooking up with a large, angry man's wife.


            • #7
              Originally posted by RecoveringKinkoid View Post
              You know, if I ever picked up the phone and was greeting by some asshead saying "who the fuck are you?", the conversation would not have proceeded past that point. I would have simply hung up.
              I think I'd tell them that when they figured that out, they could call back, and then hung up on them. If I could think that fast, anyway.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Talk about stepping over some boundaries. Out of curiosity, does the woman's husband have a problem with you being her friend on Facebook? I didn't really get that impression from your post, but I may have misread. Nonetheless, I agree that it should be of no concern to your brother-in-law. If the woman's husband has a problem with it, then he should be the one to speak to you. Even then, he should discuss his problem with you in a calm, rational manner.

                Personally, I have no idea who half of my wife's Facebook friends are. I don't worry about such things because I trust her judgment in choosing her friends. Furthermore, I know she wouldn't take too kindly to me acting out toward her friends in such a manner. Likewise, my wife doesn't pry into my friendships, and I certainly wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior. We are free to openly ask each other if we want to know more, but we know how to behave like adults in doing so.

                Like RecoveringKinkoid and Andara Bledin, I'm also one who doesn't have patience for being asked to identify myself when someone calls my phone. If you call me, I expect you to tell me who you are and why you are calling. Furthermore, rude, demanding behavior quickly gets nowhere with me. I don't have time for such nonsense, and I refuse to deal with it.


                • #9
                  caller "What the fuck are you doing adding my friends wife on facebook?"
                  In my opinion...

                  you're on FB too much if you're spying on other people's friends list.

                  Hell I don't even read my own BF's facebook much. Once in a while I'll check mine and see he's posted something interesting but... I don't even look at his friends list. I don't need to spy on him.


                  • #10
                    How it could go:
                    Number I know rings
                    "Who the fuck are you?" Not a voice I know
                    "I work for the <real name of sexual health clinic>, the woman who gave me this number you are calling from is under treatment for <something really nasty that involves dicks falling off>."

                    Hasn't happened so far and if it did it would probably end in a quick hang up.

                    If I was checking a phone bill and found a frequent number dialed I might call and politely ask who they are, but I sure as hell hope I don't end up like the examples shown here.


                    • #11
                      Amusingly I don't even know who is in my own friends list sometimes. I will see an entry from someone and be like "oh wait they are a friend of mine"

                      There are people taking FB way too seriously. I just see it as a way to remain social like we did as kids in our busy hectic lives.
                      Jack Faire


                      • #12
                        Well, lol she looked cute and i figured I might as well add her, according to my dad she a model and was the maid of honor stand in since my cousin couldn't make it. But the thing that bothers me is FUCK him. I told my dad that the DB can go to hell and he snapped at me for being an asshole, then when I told him what happened he wondered what DBs problem was..... then bitched at me for using facebook because it brings nothing but trouble if you watch the news and what not with all this people losing jobs or getting in trouble. But at the same time, if you don't have a FB you loose touch with a lot of people and even for friends you see all the time more and more are using FB to invite to events.


                        • #13
                          Google + so far in my experience is an improvement over Facebook in that it's easier to separate out what you share with your friends versus say what your boss sees.
                          Jack Faire

