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Gold Star People

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  • Gold Star People

    I wanted to name this thread "Sanctimonious Bastards" or something of the like, but I don't think the behavior is always necessarily holier than thou, sometimes it's just plain old "I'm better than you" or "My way is better".

    Hate it.

    Hate people like the Brown Noser I work with. Always taking his own moral high road, whatever it is, it's always the opposite of whatever I say.

    For instance, I might make a comment like "There are days, I wish I had a dishwasher." and his response?

    "Dishwashers are for LAZY people. I've never used a dishwasher, and my dishes are always clean and it makes me feel better knowing I did the work."

    Well, if we didn't have machinery at work, you'd be doing a hell of a lot more work. What do you think about that, you fucking prick? Oh wait, his response would probably be a long diatribe about how machines are taking away jobs and they don't always work right and aren't dependable.

    Another instance. Say that I make a comment, "Yay, it's Friday. Fast food treat time!" (weekly tradition of mine).

    What's his answer? "I rarely eat fast food anymore. It's so bad for you, and I've been doing so well with my weight since I quit working at Burger King. Besides, you'd have a lot more money if you made all your food at home. I make all of my food from scratch!"

    I try to do that, too. When I can. I'll admit, I get lazy. Hell, some weekends, I'm so exhausted from working all those 12 hour shifts straight, that I might just sleep for 12 hours on a Saturday, and not feel like making hot dish for tonight and tomorrow night's supper, and I'll cheat and go to Subway. My own favorite excuse is that the only real time I have to chillax online and have happy me time is on the weekends. I also have tried to get into better habbits regarding cleaning my apartment and decluttering, since I'll be moving in the later spring and I'd rather the place just be consistently clean. Ever since the last big clean, I've been working to maintain constant clean floors and a clean bathroom. Which, if you shed like a retriever like I do and wear loose mineral makeup, it's HARD to have a clean bathroom. There's also laundry, doing dishes, gym, errands, family time. Oh fuck. Why should I even explain myself? I don't want to cook all the time! Most of the time I'll make so much food when I cook that it's enough for several days, so I only have to cook and clean up after once.

    Oh, and my personal favorite.

    Not too long after we went to 12 hour shifts, a couple of us were walking out of work together and we were talking about how great it was that we now have longer weekends, more time off, etc etc etc.

    Brown Noser pipes up from behind us. "I get so bored with all this time off. I like the shift structure, but I wish we'd go back to only two days off. I can't stand to not work for that many days in a row!"

    First of all....yeah, kiss ass. Bet he was hoping someone important would hear that. Whatever. Second of all, we never had two full days off before. It was like a day and three fourths. And third of all......good on you. Get a hobby. Take a shower. You desperately need one anyway. That'll take up some of that "bored" time.

  • #2
    Oh I hate people like that. He think's not using dishwashers makes him better? No it makes him stupid for not taking advantage of modern technology. He sounds like another one of those "martyrs" who thinks that he's better for doing more work, even though most of that work is unnecessary thanks to his own stupidity.

    It's bad enough when you got experts commenting on everything you do, comparing themselves to you, and trying to boss you around, but this advice isn't even practical.


    • #3
      Personally Id love a job with longer shifts as long as I had more days off in a row.
      And Im pretty sure that economically, dishwashers use less water than washing by hand.


      • #4
        Not only that, but dishwashers get hot enough to sterilize what's in them.


        • #5
          I've never owned one, so I'm not sure. And the dishwasher duties at my parents' house weren't mine, so I don't even know how to use one if I had one.


          • #6
            On the topic of dishwashers: I don't mind if you feel better because you do your dishes by hand, as long as you don't imply that makes YOU better.

            On the rest of it: He sounds like an asshole. I do not like smug assholes.
            "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
            ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


            • #7
              I've never had a dishwasher, either. The house I just bought has one, but my dad is going to take it out and replace it with a cabinet he bought for me. We would have to hook up the plumbing for the dishwasher, since all the water lines were stolen while the house was vacant (copper theft). Personally, I think it'd be cool to have a dishwasher, just to see what it's like, but it's no big deal. Besides, it's just going to be me living there, so washing dishes myself shouldn't be too much of a deal.

              This brown noser sounds a lot like a former coworker of mine. I actually do like her. We're friends on Facebook. But she does a lot of annoying things like this. For example, she's a food snob, and she makes comments like this guy makes about fast food. Especially McDonald's. If she finds out someone got something from McD's, she'll get this serious look on her face and say, "Oh, I never eat McDonald's. I don't trust them with anything. I really don't eat any fast food, really." Now, she does like pizza from pizza places. In fact, she really likes pizza from this place around OSU campus that makes this really thick crust pizza with a lot of cheese and huge pepperoni, and I've often wanted to question her why she thinks that is any healthier than McD's. She'll also get self-righteous if she sees someone drinking soda, and she'll have to talk about how she never drinks sodas. Though she does drink coffee and alcohol, but evidently that's different.

              Recently, she posted a Facebook status that went "I'm at the OSU game, and I'm seeing a lot of Dad Jeans! HORRIBLE! Ladies, don't ever let your man leave the house in these!"

              This got under my skin for three reasons.

              1. If a man said, "Guys, don't ever let your woman do *whatever*," feminists everywhere would be lining up to kill him (and rightfully so).

              2. You should see some of the crazy outfits she comes up with for herself. Hint: She's 36 and still insists on shopping at Forever 21. Does someone like this really have much business criticizing someone else's wardrobe?

              3. I had to Google the term Dad Jeans to see what she was even talking about, and I'm still not clear on what exactly they are. Still, the few picture examples I saw didn't look at all offensive. Just watch your football game and quit fussing over other people's clothes.


              • #8
                Ehhh...Dad jeans are atrocious, but at the same time, skinny jeans on guys is worse than socks with sandals.

                Don't get me started on the Brown Noser with soda pop. He "can't" have soda pop, so he thinks he can go about telling others how much weight they'd lose if they quit drinking carbonated sugar beverages.


                • #9
                  people who get bored with time off quite simply don´t know how to have fun.


                  • #10
                    Oh the health food people get on my nerves. They always push eating at home in school. In a speech class I took, FOUR of the 10 presentations were on eating healthier. I probably drink too much soda myself, but I don't need anyone lecturing me on it. (same thing with fast food. I don't wanna hear it so shut your fuckin' face)

                    It reminds me of those obnoxious Ad Council PSAs where some douchebag dentist goes around and humiliates people at a store who are thinking of buying pop. He starts examining this guy's teeth in the middle of the store and shows pictures of what his teeth will become. And he's considered the good guy for doing this! It's an older ad, but I wouldn't forget something that obnoxious.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                      . For example, she's a food snob, and she makes comments like this guy makes about fast food. Especially McDonald's. If she finds out someone got something from McD's, she'll get this serious look on her face and say, "Oh, I never eat McDonald's. I don't trust them with anything. I really don't eat any fast food, really."
                      Food snobs make me batty. There's quite a few on CS.

                      Even the most health conscious person will occasionally treat themselves to junk..and I honestly don't mind if someone tries to help me make better food choices if I've *asked* for their opinion and/or if they aren't judgmental and high-and-mighty about it.

                      I also can't stand brown nosers. I don't know how you keep from cussing him out, Blas.


                      • #12
                        The food snobs are a bit of a predicament for me, because to some extent, they usually do have valid points. However, many of them like to act like just because you grabbed something from McD's or Burger King, then that must mean you gorge on that stuff for every meal of the day and need to be lectured about it. Either that, or they'll proudly say they never eat fast food or whatever kind of food they're ranting about and then stand there as if someone should pin a medal on them for it. To add insult to injury, most of their diets aren't excessively healthy, either.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bara View Post
                          And Im pretty sure that economically, dishwashers use less water than washing by hand.
                          Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                          Not only that, but dishwashers get hot enough to sterilize what's in them.
                          That depends on if you're doing it right.

                          You only need two sinkfulls of water to do a sink full of dishes, and the water you soak them in will be as hot as your water heater can make it, so they'll be sterlized just as well in the sink as in the dishwasher. I have yet to run into a dishwasher that actually cleaned dishes without people having to pre-clean them first, which is a waste of time and effort and water and completely removes the point of having a machine to wash them in the first place.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            I don't fill the sink. I wash each dish or utensil or bowl seperately. I don't want them all playing in the same water.

                            I don't do dishes often. I buy a LOT of paper plates and plasic silverware. I only have to do dishes for the pots/pans and cooking utensils.

                            I guess my main point was I hate people who have this "holier than thou" attitude, and the way they do things is the RIGHT way, it's like they can nitpick small, stupid things that you're doing "wrong".

                            Food snobs, machine/electronic/tool snobs, ALL the snobs.

                            And trust me, it's so hard to not unleash on the Brown Noser. But, if you haven't already guessed, he's the golden boy of the work area, and I'm the blackest sheep of the herd. You can probably see what would happen if I ever told the Brown Noser to shut his smug little mouth and just get to work already.


                            • #15
                              I'm sure you all are already sick of hearing about the upcoming wedding, but ugh. Everybody has such strong opinions on what *must* be done, and they are not at all afraid to share them. I've told some people that I plan on cutting the train off my dress, and OH THE HORROR!!!! You can't cut off the train! Leave it long for the ceremony and then bustle it! Or, "You're not having booze or dancing?? Well don't expect people to stay at the ceremony!" Or, "You're not wearing a birdcage veil? Those are all the rage!" Or, "You're playing electronica??? Nobody's gonna like that!" *headdesk*

                              Fiance and I are both significantly overweight, and I always feel like we're being judged when pick up fast food or soda or something.

