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  • #16
    TV gets disrupted? How I wish that's all it was around here! The entire freaking town screeches to a gridlock. I can't even drive anywhere.

    Can you imagine if this sort of thing happened because of an SCA event? (although I seem to recall someone mentioning to me that once a year in Pennsylvania, it does.)

    And you can't say "I'm not into sports" when someone asks you if you're "a Gamecock fan" or whatever. They act like surely you're lying, you're insane, or they didn't hear you right. I've always wanted to say "so, who is your favorite jouster? What do you mean what do I mean? Everyone loves jousting, what's wrong with you?"


    • #17
      My father did not like sports, and would go ballistic if the NFL game went into his show "60 Minutes." It was sort of annoying admittedly, especially if there was another show that he wanted to watch at 7 PM., but he was such a pussy about his precious program. Back in the old days when there were limited channels on televsion, usually on a weekday afternoon there would be sports of some kind, while the fourth "independent" channel might show a good movie or reruns of an old TV show. In some ways this was OK, kids played outside instead of sitting in front of a screen. People read books instead of websites, Tv sucks tonight, lets go to the movie theater.

      I dont understand the NBA strike (or lockout). I dont see what the players are complaining about, and they really do not have the right to complain. In average no name NBA player who sticks around the league for two or three years blows his knee out and leaves will make more than an average college educated worker makes in a decade to a lifetime. The NFL players almost deserve their money because these boys do go out and beat the sh*t out of each other, and I have seen NFL/college games live and on TV where a player breaks his neck, legs, concussions, whatever.

      I think sports are too much of a thing in the USA, and a form of escapism. I go to State U. and thinks that U. State sucks because they are U. State and not State U. College sports are somewhat of a mystery to the rest of the World.
      Last edited by senor boogie woogie; 11-01-2011, 08:19 AM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Peppergirl View Post

        I love to watch NFL and NHL games, but I don't need the damned recap afterward. Stop dumbing it down and get the scheduled programming back as close as possible to its regular time!
        I believe that this is why Futureama got such low ratings on Fox 10 years ago. Fox scheduled it RIGHT AFTER the football game. now it the game went long OR there was some dumbass reason for an hour recap, Futureama got cut

        Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
        What would make sense would be for them to have scheduled re-shows of the popular stuff that gets bumped when the sportscasts go over, but that would just make too much sense.

        somettimes they DID indeed cut offr the end of a football game for regular programming. the most famous or "infamous" was when the movie Heidi was scheduled for a start time of 7pm on NBC. the football game that preceeded it was the Oakland Raiders vs the NY Jets. at the time most football games "rarely" lasted more than their 2 1/2 hour time allotment. the network cut the game off with like 1 or 2 minutes remaining and the Jets leading by 3 points to start the movie because of a communication breakdown. the Raiders then scored to win the game

        The Heidi Game Details here

        this game is the primary reason why football games are shown in their entirey.
        I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

        I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
        The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


        • #19
          Originally posted by RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          TV gets disrupted? How I wish that's all it was around here! The entire freaking town screeches to a gridlock. I can't even drive anywhere.
          That's how it is here, especially when basketball season starts...this week, I believe. You can't drive anywhere, can't park on campus, can't have people over because there's no parking anywhere in my neighborhood.

          Originally posted by senor boogie woogie View Post
          The NFL players almost deserve their money because these boys do go out and beat the sh*t out of each other, and I have seen NFL/college games live and on TV where a player breaks his neck, legs, concussions, whatever.
          Basketball is actually a fairly dangerous sport, due to the lack of padding and the hard surface (instead of grass/turf). I've known people who've had multiple concussions, torn ACLs, broken ankles, broken knees, and even a torn retina.
          Last edited by AdminAssistant; 11-01-2011, 01:10 PM.


          • #20
            A nice compromise would be to just play the game and get it done. There is no legitimate reason a 60 minute game needs to stretch out over 3 hours. Like the superbowl. I know it's all about the $$$ and that superbowl time is something like 100K per second or something, but jesus christ stop stalling and just PLAY. Get it done, we can move on with our lives.


            • #21
              I love me the Packer games, but having said that.....

              On the hour or more before the game, and we have to do the pre-show nonsense. Same on television. I don't wanna hear some stupid asshole who used to play football or thinks he knows everything about football talk crap about Clay Matthews.

              And then AFTER the game, another good hour or so.....cheese and rice, do we have to go over every single play, every single mistake? Oh, and there's those player critiques again!


              • #22
                To the fans (you know, the millions of people that outnumber the non-fans nearly 10-1), yes. Yes they do.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                  I love me the Packer games, but having said that.....

                  On the hour or more before the game, and we have to do the pre-show nonsense. Same on television. I don't wanna hear some stupid asshole who used to play football or thinks he knows everything about football talk crap about Clay Matthews.

                  And then AFTER the game, another good hour or so.....cheese and rice, do we have to go over every single play, every single mistake? Oh, and there's those player critiques again!
                  here in the very heart of green and gold land the after game show usually lasts 2 or 3 HOURS at the very least (it seems to go on at least the length of the actual game plus they have callers and e-mail and Facebook and Twitter and and and and.....). GODS help me after a Monday night game. wait that is coming up in 2 weeks AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
                  I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

                  I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
                  The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die

