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Punishing employees based on the actions of customers.

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  • Punishing employees based on the actions of customers.

    Inspired by the pushy sales people thread.

    What is it with managers who punish employees just because a customer wouldn't buy something or wouldn't follow a rule.

    3 examples I can think of.

    One is when employees have a sales quota to meet. Like if they don't sell a certain number of TVs by the end of the week, they will be written up or fired. Never mind that there is only so much an employee can do to convince customers to buy that product. And that's not counting what they can do without coming across as a pushy, obnoxious asshole who won't take no for an answer.

    The other involves a movie theatre rule not many people like; no outside food and drinks. I recall a post on CS from the employees perspective on the rule. His issue was that those who sneak food and drinks in can get him in trouble, and I think that's really unfair. It's not fair to have a pretty harmless action (bringing outside food and drinks) to determine someone elses employment. And since this is fratching, I can't call customers who break the rule sucky. It may cost someone a job, but they may not be aware of what dickwads the managers are. I wasn't aware until I started reading CS.

    The last one is punishing employees for drive offs. If they are that paranoid about driveoffs, THAN MAKE IT FUCKING PREPAY! Otherwise, how are the employees supposed to catch them until they drive off? Should they chase after the car, jump on the hood, risking their life and limb for a few bucks in gas money? Because if that's in the job description, I think gas station employees should be making A LOT more than minimum wage.

    I don't even have to work retail to realize how ridiculous it is to punish an employee based on customers actions, especially when they have no control over how the customer is going to act.

  • #2
    Huh, where I live is illegal to block someone from bringing outside food in a theater


    • #3
      The stop you from bringing outside food in movie theatres because concessions are the only way those theatres make money. Those outrageous ticket prices are demanded by the studios and go directly back to them. So, if you're bringing in outside food, you're undercutting the movie theatre's profit margin. Personally, if I can't afford snacks, I stay home and watch a movie on Netflix.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
        So, if you're bringing in outside food, you're undercutting the movie theatre's profit margin.
        No, you're undercutting their profit margin if you don't buy their overpriced snacks, regardless of whether or not you sneak stuff in. I stopped buying their crap years ago, because I got tired of paying $2 for a box of candy that was mostly air when you opened it.

        Once in awhile, I might buy a small soda and popcorn, but that's it. Come to think of it, I rarely even bother with the movies at all anymore. It's not fun paying a small fortune to have to sit thru a bunch of stupid commercials and then have to listen to a bunch of idiots who won't STFU.
        --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


        • #5
          I used to work for a casino working the overnight shift. One morning coming home from work, I decided to eat breakfast in a place called CK's. I brought in a bottle of soda, a Mountain Dew that I bought the night previous and for some reason didn't drink it.

          I am a big guy. Chris Farley kind of big. A restaurant should love seeing me walking in the door. I was thinking steak and eggs, with a side of taters. Spend $10 bucks or so, leave a gratuity, etc.

          The manager woman told me I couldn't bring that drink in here. As a matter of fact, that's what this stupid bitch told me "Ya can't bring that drink in heeer."

          Me: Why not?

          Her: Because we sell drinks.

          I said fine and I left and went up to Waffle House where bringing a soda from outside was OK by them. More than likely, I drank the soda waiting for my food and ordered another one with my food.

          To me, this was very short sided and she was stupid. All she did was alienate a customer, someone who would have spent several dollars and a repeat customer. America is famous for having zero tolerance and not using common sense. Yes, if I brought some McDonalds hamburgers in there, I can see her complain. But for a 60 cent soda? You're going to play your rule crap to make 50-75 cents, when I was going to spend 10 plus dollars in there on food? I can also see that she could have a concern about me bringing alcohol, but this was 7 AM, and I was sober. Again, instead of using common sense, she lost a customer.

          I don't understand why anyone goes to the theater anymore. I dislike most new movies out. Most movies do not require a huge screen to watch them on. In my home I can eat what I want, smoke what I want, drink alcohol, pause the film if I need to go potty. Most new films are out on video about 3 months after their initial screening. I also have a computer and know lots and lots of movie websites. I'm watching Red State now online.

          I worked at a Books A Million, which is a book retailer. Once a month, we would have an early morning meeting. I was present at the meeting when the assistant manager basically railed the cashiers for not selling enough membership cards. I mean she SCREAMED, yelled and stamp her feet about those stupid cards. Her boss chewed her out apparently. Thing of it is, most people DONT WANT membership cards. I hate them and refuse them. They slow the line down and it is just extra work and hassle for the cashiers. Every freaking corporation seems to have them and it is just a pain to dig through all that plastic.

          I was also a desk clerk at a crappy casino/hotel in Nevada (I have had about 10,000 jobs in my life, no really). Besides the room charge, the customer could get in house movies on their TV. If they did not want the service, the clerk needed to go to the computer and turn the feature off. This sucked because most people (about 95%) were not interested in the service at all. However, lots of times the customer gets the channels anyway. They leave and the service charges the hotel for its use. Of course, this upsetted the bosses who reamed out the desk managers who reamed us out. Again, this could have been a simple thing to fix. Instead of having to turn the service OFF 95% of the time, allow the clerk to turn it ON 5% of the time. Unfortunately the Boss/Owner was a complete dictatorial asshole that everyone feared like Stalin in Russia and I take it that the man did not avail himself to suggestions from (his viewpoint) overpaid staff.

          Last story. Once I went to a movie and upon me leaving and returning home, somehow I lost my wallet. Either I called them, but I think they called me to state that they found my wallet and I can pick it up. This was back in the late 80's.

          I was a bit concerned. Inside the wallet was $10, and a small packet of marijuana, maybe enough to make three or four joints. I was concerned about going down there thinking some asshole called the cops and they were going to be waiting for me. But I was an unemployed student and 10 bucks was 10 bucks (again, this was back in the day when 10 dollars was worth something).

          I reluctantly went to the theater. No cops. Got the wallet back. Looked inside, there's the 10 dollar bill. But the weed was gone. Someone ripped me of it and I couldn't complain. Hell, I wish they would have stolen the 10 bucks! I could see a few tokers working for a movie theater. it's one job where it is OK to be high at work. Sell tickets, make popcorn, clean the place. I would have stolen my weed too, no biggie.


          • #6
            I *love* seeing movies in theaters. I never do it, though, because only rarely is there a new movie I really want to see... and when there is, by the time I realize it's out and then get around to looking for it, it's not out anymore.
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #7
              I like the drive ins, because there is less stupid to deal with (if it is loud outside..roll up the windows and turn up the radio..problem solved)..we have one nearby so that is good. I am just not much for the walkin style though. Anyhow...

              I swear there is something in the water that some owners/ceo's/etc are drinking. Or smoking, or ... something. People moan and cry because it works..if it stopped working as much..there would be less of it. Don't get me wrong, I think treating the customer good is important, but the minute a customer is abusive, cursing, or acting entitled..they should be shown the door.

              ((I am going to apologize in advance for the following, one of the random thoughts/scenarios that play in my head sometime))

              No Steve, not headfirst into the side of the door. Try that again. Dang it Steve, I said NOT headfirst into the side of the door. Through the door. No .. open the door first...dang it Steve...


              • #8
                Recently at Subway, I was told that they are pushed for 90% of their customers to go to this website on their receipt to fill out some retarded survey and get a free cookie.

                Whomever is the head honcho at Subway, needs to spend a little less time trying to bite their ear and a little more time scratching their head.


                • #9
                  Yes, you can't make people come in your store and shop. Also some people act up.

                  I used to get in trouble cuz my friends would come hang out at my store and be a little mischievous. When I wasn't there. Yes, because in some bizarro world of corporate retail, I responsible for the actions of two adults when they are nowhere near me.

                  Edit: Another big one I forgot about was the line voids. Customer walks up, hands you an item. You scan item. $9.99. Customer says "What, I don't want that nevermind." So then you void the sale. BIG NO NO. Even tho there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, short of confirming every scan with the customer first. Yet it's still a big no no and you get written up for it.
                  Last edited by DrFaroohk; 11-07-2011, 01:34 PM.


                  • #10
                    One of the reasons The Jerk found to fire me was that I wasn't selling enough online...I'm listing the stuff and spamming it wherever you tell me to, how is it my fault if nobody's buying?

                    Basically, his prices and shipping were too high and thanks to ebay's 'best match' were getting buried by all the cheaper listings. Vendor contracts prohibited us from lowering prices to match the guy who no longer plays and just wants to unload his models for cheap.
                    "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


                    • #11
                      This was my most recent job.

                      My job was to put chemicals on lawns. Fertilizer, weed killer, etc.

                      The company had a sales dept. A big one. HUGE.

                      Well, they also wanted the 'Route Managers' (sounds impressive doesnt it?) to sell too. The problem with this is, lawn care is costly and if you have the same thinking as me, unessecary. Its fucking grass.

                      Well, somehow between driving an hour just to get to my first lawn, then having to hand write in a bunch of bullshit in a certian format that was also unessecary that probably 99.9% dont even read, having to do $$900.00 in lawns a day when most lawns are undersold by stupid salespersons, (ex. a lawn that should be 100.00 is sold at 50.00 which also throws your chemical usage off which is something else you get in trouble for taking in mind that the company beleived that 50.00 will take ten min and 100.00 will take 25 mins so that times out the window as well.)

                      After all the crap,, they still want us to sell.

                      The problem, they only counted new sales or upgrades to at least 4 rounds of service as a sale. If I am on thier lawn, they already HAVE service and they have already decided against having more than 2-3 rounds, so while I could sell them a lime treatment or something, it wouldnt count.

                      This is why I am unemployed. What makes me furious about it is we busted our asses out in 90+ heat walking up and down hills and the main factor in deciding who stays and who goes is sales.

                      Ironically, the sales people didnt have a quota for treating lawns. They had a shit ton higher sales quoata though.


                      • #12
                        Never even heard of people who work in petrol stations getting charged for driveoffs; doesn't happen over here, to my knowledge. I live in England, by the way and the main method is to use civil recovery on thieves to recoup losses rather than stiff the employee.

                        One thing that bugs me is when companies charge staff for uniforms. A friend of mine used to work at such a place; if part of her uniform wore out, she had to pay for it. As a result, practically everyone at that place looked scruffy and untidy, cuz they kept the uniform together til it fell apart. If a company wants you to wear a uniform, the least they can do is supply it. Where I work, if your uniform wears out, all you have to do is go to HR and order a new one, for free. Works a lot better in terms of employee presentation.
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                        • #13
                          I know that in the US, or at least in the state of California, it is actually illegal for a company to charge an employee for a customer stealing product, whether it be a $10 pizza or a $1000 camera. You can fire the person, but you cannot legally make them pay for it.

                          Also, any specific clothing that a company requires their employees wear that is not standard clothing (such as logo shirts or custom aprons), the company must provide said clothing. If they just want you to wear white shirts that are not special white shirts, that's on the employee.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            I hate these types of policies. I worked for several years for a company that punished the employees for customers giving negative answers on the satisfaction surveys. We could get fired even if the customer was upset with a company policy and we did everything right. Such as, if they were not happy with the prices (out of my control). We also got written up or fired when the customer was clearly being unreasonable and that caused them to be unhappy. For example, a customer who demands a $500 refund because they were out of service for 20 minutes (Yes, this happens).


                            • #15
                              I know that in the US, or at least in the state of California, it is actually illegal for a company to charge an employee for a customer stealing product, whether it be a $10 pizza or a $1000 camera. You can fire the person, but you cannot legally make them pay for it.

                              I had a friend who was a waiter at a somewhat high end restaurant, one night someone "dined and dashed" on him and he had to pay for the meal they ate, at the retail price. I thought that was outrageous.
                              Last edited by senor boogie woogie; 11-28-2011, 11:52 AM.

