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And...more stupid in-law stuff....

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  • And...more stupid in-law stuff....

    They always have to make shit so complicated. They spend so much time "planning" that they come up with basically twelve step programs for something as simple as taking a shit.

    Only now they want to come over and "Help" us clean up. I'm all for a little extra help, but again, why bug me with all these mundane details about who's going where and doing what and timetables and communicaes and whatever else the fuck they need. You really want to help me? Take these fucking kids away for a few hours, like more than 2, and give me enough time without distractions to get it done.

    How about, it's our house, we'll decorate organize it how we damn well please. Well it's technically their house. Well fine, but no where did I ever sign a contract saying "I agree to live here and let you run my life".

    And of course, the house isn't at its cleanest right now. Why not? Maybe cuz, as the primary house cleaner, I have so many people ordering me around telling me how THEY want it, without giving a shit about how I want it, that maybe I just don't care either. What does it matter to me? Every little change I make I expect someone to come over and tell me how wrong it is, and most of the time they do. I know no matter what I say or do, someone else will come along and criticize it and then change it. So whatever.

  • #2
    That sounds like how people at a job would act, not at home

