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Wahhh. No Snow!

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  • #16
    Okay, surely we can all recognize that there's a difference between blizzards that endanger lives, and a regular snowfall? I don't think anyone out there truly wishes for a life-threatening blizzard in order to have a white Christmas, but I sure as hell wish we had enough snow to make my hometown look pretty and crisp and white instead of grey and brown and depressing.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BrenDAnn View Post
      Watching the news right now--there's a blizzard nailing Kansas, Okalahoma, Texas, etc, and people are getting stranded, dying, etc because of it
      Thankfully not this part of Kansas, though I should probably make a grocery run in case it hits later.

      Personally, snow's pretty and white for about a day. After that, it starts turning gray, brown, and black from people walking, driving, etc. Not worth it.


      • #18
        Yes, the_std I do realize the difference. That said, I still don't mind not having a white Christmas for once.


        • #19
          Originally posted by the_std View Post
          Okay, surely we can all recognize that there's a difference between blizzards that endanger lives, and a regular snowfall? I don't think anyone out there truly wishes for a life-threatening blizzard in order to have a white Christmas, but I sure as hell wish we had enough snow to make my hometown look pretty and crisp and white instead of grey and brown and depressing.
          Even just a inches of snow that sticks is dangerous for driving.

          It's freezing out, but there just probably won't be any rain or snow. Just doesn't do that out here. And I'm glad. Dust so bad you can't see down the road, sand, and rocks for Christmas? Ok!
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #20
            well Blas, I am going to be one of those who is "complaining" about the lack of snow in Cheeseheadland. with the cold weather comes snow. with snow comes business for my industry ie. pizza delivery. this is one of worst Decembers in more than a few years. my deliverys (and thus my income) are way down this year. the last two night have been REAL bad.

            Yes I know I complain when the snow hits BUT........
            I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

            I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
            The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


            • #21
              Originally posted by the_std View Post
              So I make no apologies in wanting the snow - if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't live in this climate.
              You're nuts, my dear.

              I live in this country because you'd have to be crazy to leave after being lucky enough to be born here, but I HATE the snow.

              It's a pain in the ass. It makes the driving treacherous and it takes forever to scrape off the car. It soaks all the mats in my house and car.

              I have to cart around my shoes in a separate bag with me wherever I go, since I don't want to wear winter boots 24-7. Winter boots are expensive, and they're not even cute.

              Sure, snow can look pretty for a while. But for those of us who live in the city, that doesn't last. It starts looking gray and disgusting after only a day or two. And the whole city smells like mold in the spring as the piles start to melt.

              Maybe I'd feel differently if I skiied or snowboarded, but I don't have time for that. I need to work overtime this month to pay for my $500 snow tires.


              • #22
                I agree with Boozy. To a darn t, there. I am so tired of wearing mittens, applying gobs and gobs of lotion, needing hand lotion just for use on my hands multiple times per day, and it's not even as cold as it could be right now. That and so much extra darn laundry.

                That, and I missed the train of opportunity to GTFO of here before the economy tanked. I have it better here than I would just randomly moving south to spite the weather.

                I don't care for the assumption that you have to, or should, enjoy the climate because you live somewhere. I'm not going to take a chance of getting away from snow to be homeless.


                • #23
                  I WANT to live in New Orleans, I just feel at peace when I'm there. Right now, though, I live in Mass, and I like it. It's not as bad as Wisconsin, but I like that it's cold. Heat really messes with my head.
                  "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                  ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                  • #24
                    We had LESS than an inch of snow this afternoon.

                    Vehicle after vehicle in the ditch. Yeah, so the argument that "We're used to it here" doesn't fly. We have a bunch of over confident retards here who think nothing of winter driving, and end up making winter driving a hazard because they won't be careful.

                    This is pathetic. This is Wisconsin, not freaking Arizona. And yet, today's vehicles in the ditch looks just like the footage on the news of car accidents down south, but with way less snow. PATHETIC. We deal with feet of snow every damn year, and yet we get a dusting and everyone goes sailing into the ditch with their dumb trucks and SUVS.


                    • #25
                      blas, I'm not surprised. We had a dusting here in Iowa the other night, too. Driving home in the snow at 11PM was fun. It was snowing pretty hard, and the roads were, yes, getting slick, so I was taking my time. Cue dumb trucker passing me like I'm standing still and roaring off down the road. Yeah. You have fun with that, buddy. I'll just wave to you on my way by if I see you in the ditch!


                      • #26
                        I was reading just yesterday about there is little to no snow in New England and that the ski resorts were suffering greatly, as if the economy was not bad enough. Temperatures of 40 plus F days.

                        I am from Memphis Tennessee. There is some snow there, the worst of it is a couple of inches every year. Most of our issues is ice and sleet. Sleet sucks. Ice pebbles with driving very hazerdous. Around 1995 or so, we had a horrendous ice storm in which whole tree branches were breaking off 100 year old trees, and downed power lines, for some areas, up to a week.

                        When I was a kid, I liked snow because I did not have to go to school and I could go out and play with my friends, sledding and maybe playing football or whatnot. It was special to us southern kids because it did not come all the time and it was special. As an adult, I have very little use for it, but I do enjoy a nice kicking snowfall once a year. But I dont want to be out in it trying to get to a job or basically having to be in it at all.

                        One bad thing is that in Memphis, if there is a warning of a hint of snow, everyone and their brother will go bumrush the stores and buy everything up. Schools also close up. It is miserable for the school administrators when a snowfall happens in the middle of the morning and they have to scramble everyone together to get the kids home, with the teachers exasperated that the kids are crazy excited about being paroled from school.

                        I have family in Iowa, and have thought that this area of the country would not be a bad place to live, either there or in New England. But the COLD and snow, but especially the COLD would keep me out of there. Now, I like some cold, but highs of something like 14F and lows of -5, with snow that has turned to ice and wont melt for two months, no thanks. This is why Wisconsin people are such drunks, there isn't anything else to do there four months out of the year but be cooped up and drink.


                        • #27
                          I must respectfully disagree with ya. Wisconsin folk are drunks for many reasons, not just because of the winters. No one stays cooped up all winter, most people don't let the weather stop them from doing what they do or going where they go. It's a state tradition, but fortunately, there's a few people who are still responsible and not total lushes.

                          I still can't get over the notion people have around here about their stupid trucks and SUVS in the snow, or the people and their fancier cars. Just because you have 4 wheel drive, doesn't mean 4 wheel stop. Just because your car has a 5 star safety rating, it wasn't tested on black ice at 70 mph.

                          I will always believe I am safer in my normal size, front wheel drive car with decent tires, than someone in a monsterous truck or SUV.


                          • #28
                            It's in the mid-60's today, sunny, and I'm loving it. The giant dust clouds bringing it to nearly zero visibility are gone and it is beautiful out.

                            Tomorrow's forecast? High 60's, possibly 70!
                            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                            • #29
                              Don't think I won't save a snowball and bring it just to rub it all over your nipples.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                                Don't think I won't save a snowball and bring it just to rub it all over your nipples.
                                ...Kinky. Don't get me too excited to come back to the US or you'll read about me in the news trying to hijack a plane to get home sooner.
                                Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

