One reason older people say things like "We only had 3 TV channels, blah blah blah...!" is they get a little tired of hearing people bitch about there being "nothing to do" or "there's nothing on TV!" It just seems like people today (of all ages) are spoiled for choice. There are dozens of fast food chains where once there was just McDonald's, Dairy Queen and Kentucky Fried Chicken. There are 100's of TV channels where once there were 3. And internet? There was NOTHING like that.
However, this is all relative. Frankly, I agree that "there's nothing on TV" which is why I hardly ever watch anymore. And I love being online! But we get used to what we have and we get impatient when it doesn't perform to our expectations.
However, this is all relative. Frankly, I agree that "there's nothing on TV" which is why I hardly ever watch anymore. And I love being online! But we get used to what we have and we get impatient when it doesn't perform to our expectations.