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genre switching hollywood reboots

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Greenday
    Because people will go see that crap a second time and they will make a buttload of money.
    Yep. This is, in essence, the entire problem with Hollywood. It takes a truly shitty movie to actually *fail*. Movies that are considered absolute brainless shit make *fucktons* of money. Because by and large the general public has reached brainless shit critical mass in recent years.

    Why would they do anything else when the shit they're shovelling makes fucktons of money already? They don't need to make quality movies when shit movies are what the majority of people really seem to want these days.

    Look at Transformers 2. Fucking HORRIBLE movie. But it made over $600 million in profit at the box office. They made it for 200 mil, they got over 600 mil back before it even hit Bluray/DVD. That puts it above all 3 LOTR movies. So why the hell would they *not* make another shit movie like it? Thats obviously what we want. Great characters, intriguing plots, amazing pratical effects, fantastic soundtrack and an epic adventure? Fuck no, we want a CGI robot with TruckNutz.

    We fucking suck.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Mr Hero View Post
      The prospect of 3D boobies will get me in the theater.
      but in Titanic there was not all that much nekid boobies (one brief shot while Jack is sketching and they blurred that out on network TV is all I remember but then I zoned out rather quickly and flipped the channel)

      NOW if you are talking about big anime BOUNCING boobies, OR some "story" based pron then I will agree

      On that note, I wonder if the Titanic wedding couple made famous on Etiquette Hell will now have to redo their vows cause the movie is being re-released in 3D.
      I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

      I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
      The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


      • #33
        Originally posted by Mr Hero View Post
        The prospect of 3D boobies will get me in the theater.
        Did that work with Piranha 3D? I haven't seen it, so i dunno.
        Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


        • #34
          I think my DVD of piranha was 2D only, or I couldn't be arsed cracking open the cyan magenta cardboard specs to go over my existing goggles.

          Some of the effects would have looked good, I imagined the mass hysteria carnage scene to have yakety sax in the back ground.


          • #35
            Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post
            Did that work with Piranha 3D? I haven't seen it, so i dunno.
            oh yes it did
            Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


            • #36
              If I enjoy a movie then by my definition it's a good movie.

              Whether it's The Thirteenth Floor or the Matrix.

              Requiem for a Dream or Transformers.

              I don't care how "artsy" or "brainless" it is only how much I enjoyed it.
              Jack Faire


              • #37
                Enjoying the movie is what's important. But I can't enjoy a movie when the creators aren't even putting effort into it.

                For example, I was surprised to find that 8 Mile was actually quite enjoyable. It's not the kind of movie I normally watch, but Eminem's character was someone I could identify with and I actually liked the rap battle at the end.

                But that stupid movie with the "white boy" who wants to be a rapper and has to have the "black" scared out of him... everyone in that was in it for the paycheck. Plain and simple. I'd be ashamed to have that on my IMDB listing.

                The Scary Movie series, almost all of the Mel Brooks movies and Not Another Teen movie: Good. Every other effing parody/reference movie: Bad. Now I'm waiting in silent horror for some smart ass director to crank out "3D movie!"
                The Internet Is One Big Glass House

