Such women are more than welcome to endure the sort of period I get.
Pain and cramps, constipation, SEVERE bleeding - as in, less than a minute from taking off a pad to blood on the floor. As in, I don't bother with nighttime pads, I go straight for the continence stuff.
Yeah. Makes me 'more of a woman'. Bullcrap.
And the gyn I talked to about this pretty much said there was nothing he would do. Because I've never had children, hysterectomy would have to be major abdominal surgery, not laproscopic, so he wouldn't recommend it. Uterine ablation apparently has a low long-term success rate in women of my build. Etc, etc, etc.
Pain and cramps, constipation, SEVERE bleeding - as in, less than a minute from taking off a pad to blood on the floor. As in, I don't bother with nighttime pads, I go straight for the continence stuff.
Yeah. Makes me 'more of a woman'. Bullcrap.
And the gyn I talked to about this pretty much said there was nothing he would do. Because I've never had children, hysterectomy would have to be major abdominal surgery, not laproscopic, so he wouldn't recommend it. Uterine ablation apparently has a low long-term success rate in women of my build. Etc, etc, etc.
