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Birth Control Haters

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Seshat View Post
    At the risk of sidetracking the thread, I'm a major advocate for birth control. I'd love to see inexpensive, effective, side-effect free, reversible birth control available to everyone. Both sexes, and everywhere in the world.
    Agreed 100%! If you don't want kids, or at least not right now, you should be able to have reliable birth control readily available.
    Originally posted by Eisa View Post
    ...I would love for people to have to be around me when I'm not on B.C. Raging bitch has nothing on me. My hormones are like they are on the devil's carnival ride. My gyn said the pill was a medical necessity.
    I have a similar problem. When I'm off the pill, I get horrific cramps and my mood swings are like:

    On the pill, the cramps are mere twinges and the mood swings are more like:

    So yeah, don't take my BC away unless you want me to go MegaBitch on your ass!
    People behave as if they were actors in their own reality show. -- Panacea
    If you're gonna be one of the people who say it's time to make America great again, stop being one of the reasons America isn't great right now. --Jester


    • #47
      I don't want to nitpick, but withdrawal is not a very effective natural way of BC because almost every guy pre-ejaculates and those spermies are just as apt as the rest of the load to get in there and find that egg.

      I would suggest anyone who can't do hormonal BC and can't afford the more long-term kind (or "can't" because their doctor won't put them on it because they haven't had kids yet or other means of not qualifying), I'd suggest condoms because they are almost as effective as pills/shot/ring/patch, as long as they are used properly.

      Though, men tend to whine about using them. I've heard girls say it's different as well, but I've enjoyed it more knowing I'm better protected with a condom and my Pill at the same time.


      • #48
        Originally posted by blas87 View Post
        Though, men tend to whine about using them. I've heard girls say it's different as well, but I've enjoyed it more knowing I'm better protected with a condom and my Pill at the same time.
        It does feel better without one. A lot better. I wish I never had to use them. But I tend to go by the philosophy that "If no sperm gets in, she can't get pregnant." So far it's worked. One more year and I can get snipped.

        I just don't get the hate of birth control. Don't like it? Don't use it. Leave everyone else's business alone.
        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


        • #49
          My bf wouldn't know that, and I prefer he doesn't know that.


          • #50
            Not too verge into TMI-territory, but we had real problems using them. Once we were engaged and discussed what we would do if I'd gotten pregnant, we had a last round of STD tests done and stopped using them entirely.


            • #51
              I guess I'm lucky I got one who never had sex before so he got used to them pretty quickly


              • #52
                I'm allergic to latex, so we don't use condoms. They have non-latex condoms available but they are really difficult to find around here and expensive.


                • #53
                  It's always been a running gag around here with the high teen pregnancy rate that all the condoms are piled up in the aisles at the store and expired.

                  When there was road work being done on the main drag in my city, I transferred my prescription for my pills to the Walgreens in my parents' city. They had never had a prescription for that particular pill in so long, they had to special order it. I was like


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                    It's always been a running gag around here with the high teen pregnancy rate that all the condoms are piled up in the aisles at the store and expired.
                    The joke for us was if you see a girl wearing a purity ring and avoiding sex ed classes that you were looking at a future teen mom. Unfortunately it was too often true.
                    Jack Faire


                    • #55
                      wanting to throw my two cents in.
                      Is on birth control and would prefer i have the bleeding because that is fine with me. Regardless if I NEED to have my monthly or not, i would rather know that I have the placebo pills to allow myself to bleed as i HAVE TO. For me, missing a period is NOT normal and often means pregnancy, or serious problem. Being late is bad too but not as bad.
                      So I would like to know where I am messing up the natural process? Birth control is actually helping me as my monthlys were late, off and VERY PAINFUL. I would be late by days or weeks with the slightest amount of stress.

                      NOW I am regular, without pain and have mine at least once every 27-29 days. sometimes even on the placebo i don't start until almost done but next month is catch up month so to speak.

                      I used to think why should I have to take birth control if he (boyfriend or partner) won't wear a condom? thats not fair. i used to think birth control would interfere with my body as well. yeah how wrong i was. in most cases it HELPS. and i am on the pills, cannot take the shots or IUD's the shots would hurt me in the long run and i am not comfortable with something inside that i have no control over. (ie i take the pill or don't) and have already heard some horror stories with IUD's

                      its not about whether i can or cannot have kids its about i need to be on this to help ME because without it I would be looking at partial hysterectomy down the line of which i would like to avoid....

                      and unlike the naysayers who naysay unto me, i did my damn research before talking to my doctor
                      Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
                      Yeah we're so over, over
                      Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                        The joke for us was if you see a girl wearing a purity ring and avoiding sex ed classes that you were looking at a future teen mom. Unfortunately it was too often true.
                        It's the same way in my town - most of the girls I know from HS have children (and I'm only 22).

                        I agree with having reliable and most of all, affordable, birth control available. I had issues with the pill so I'm on NuvaRing - no generics since their patent doesn't expire until 2018 I think. Since I graduated I don't have my student health insurance anymore so it makes it impossible to afford my prescription.

                        Thankfully our county's public health department is quite pro-BC as they gave me a prescription for free BC that lasts until my next yearly exam. I just find it ironic that they're so pro-BC but we still have a large amount of teenage pregnancies.


                        • #57
                          A friend and I joke around about how by our 5 year reunion (aka this year) we'll be the only ones in our graduating class without a kid. I know some girls who are on their 3-4 kid and most of them got pregnant either in high school or not very long after.
                          Last edited by RedRoseSpiral; 03-07-2012, 05:21 AM.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by indigo View Post
                            I just find it ironic that they're so pro-BC but we still have a large amount of teenage pregnancies.
                            It depends often on the parents. In my high school parents could choose to opt their kids out of sexual education classes so while we were learning about temptations to go too far and how to protect ourselves if and when that happened they were learning,

                            "If you just pray to Jesus before a date your own lust will never ever get the better of you"
                            Jack Faire


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                              I guess I'm lucky I got one who never had sex before so he got used to them pretty quickly
                              That's the case with me and my gf, don't know any different so meh.
                              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.

