I haven't posted in a ridiculously long time, and a lot of it has to do with being busy at work and with school.
I know that GPA's were gone over in a previous thread, as well as entitlement whores. but I'd like to share an awesome experience with all of you.
My first day of this "remedial" math class that I'm taking for catch up included the instructor bringing her 7 year old child, and another student bringing her screaming two year old(who threw a ridiculously loud tantrum both inside the class and out in the hallway, can't blame the kid, bringing a child who isn't even in pre-school to a class must be really boring for them) to class. I understand some students in the class have had this teacher before, but I had a different teacher. I had a professor who was organized, extremely clear on the material and taught in a way that I now know is the clearest way possible to teach math.
Now I'm all for children knowing what their mothers career is, and to give this kid the credit she deserves, she was extremely quiet during class and just drew on the white board during the lecture. It's not the child I have a problem with at all, it's the teacher. First we are given a half ass-ed lecture the first three days, and when we go into our math lab we are given work to complete which hasn't been discussed in class, and isn't clear in the study guide. All hope is not lost, for I have access to you tube, which apparently is > college professors and teaches me how to do the equations we are given.
We are asked to write an essay every week on what we learned and what we are still having problems grasping (I thought I enrolled in a math class, not an English class, in fact the whole reason I LIKE math is because it doesn't ask me to explain how I FEEL about the equation, now I encounter a teacher who wants me to do that, wtf.) I email my paper (I do not own a printer, nor will I with the accumulated cost of books, gas, phone and car insurance bills, and groceries that I have to decide "will I pay my phone bill, will I eat rice for a week" to pay) This is the e-mail I get in response.
"Please print your papers and bring them to class. Sending them to me just makes me have to print them out to give back to you. In an emergency situation, this method works OK but try to print your own please. Ms. W"
I MAKE you have to print papers? OH LORD WHAT AN INCONVENIENCE. I never asked for my papers to be returned, logically if I have attached a file to send to you, I have the copy on my computer. If there is something wrong with this paper I will figure it out I'm sure.
Now maybe I'm just a social retard, and I am being unfair to this new math professor, and maybe I am completely biased by my first weeks impression. We were given study guides which she didn't have faith in "whoever made these had good intentions but may have been misguided" , lectured on material that wasn't being covered in our concurrent lab activities, and anyone who wasn't in her previous class is left completely in the dark as to how we are supposed to learn what we are supposed to be working on. Thus ends my rant on teachers.
I do not have my education paid for by the government.
I have no financial "fall back" if this fails.
This is not meant to be racial, in any way. But to state this quite bluntly as I understand it, is that the government favors those who procreate irresponsibly. Don't know who your baby's daddy is? No problem here's some money for school. Baby's daddy ran out on you? No problem here's some money for school.
I am 25 years old, I have no children, I am not married. I have to maintain a 3.5 GPA to get $300 from the government in financial aid (My average book bill per semester is $450). In order to perform(and pay for) at least an 80% capacity in my classes I have to work 30 hours a week at a minimum wage job(Grats California for the largest percentage of overeducated, over qualified minimum wage employees in the nation). If I wasn't living back home, I wouldn't be able to get an education.
Minimum wage is the predominant employment a college student can find because of schedule requirements, but minimum wage cannot keep up with the cost of living. Average income of a minimum wage employee(full time, which doesn't give you enough time to actually attend school)? $1280 before taxes, average cost of an apartment in California? $ 800 a month. Add car insurance, and a phone and your left with about $100 a month to spend on FOOD for survival and whatever else you can afford.
The poverty line in CA is $10,000 and below, so all childless college students who cannot obtain race specific, or gender specific scholarships fall under this category.
So my rant ends with this, our system is broken. While succeeding in giving others who would not neccissarily have the means to attend a good college, those who continue to work hard get kicked in the nuts, and are financially denied an education.
Our system is broken.
I know that GPA's were gone over in a previous thread, as well as entitlement whores. but I'd like to share an awesome experience with all of you.
My first day of this "remedial" math class that I'm taking for catch up included the instructor bringing her 7 year old child, and another student bringing her screaming two year old(who threw a ridiculously loud tantrum both inside the class and out in the hallway, can't blame the kid, bringing a child who isn't even in pre-school to a class must be really boring for them) to class. I understand some students in the class have had this teacher before, but I had a different teacher. I had a professor who was organized, extremely clear on the material and taught in a way that I now know is the clearest way possible to teach math.
Now I'm all for children knowing what their mothers career is, and to give this kid the credit she deserves, she was extremely quiet during class and just drew on the white board during the lecture. It's not the child I have a problem with at all, it's the teacher. First we are given a half ass-ed lecture the first three days, and when we go into our math lab we are given work to complete which hasn't been discussed in class, and isn't clear in the study guide. All hope is not lost, for I have access to you tube, which apparently is > college professors and teaches me how to do the equations we are given.
We are asked to write an essay every week on what we learned and what we are still having problems grasping (I thought I enrolled in a math class, not an English class, in fact the whole reason I LIKE math is because it doesn't ask me to explain how I FEEL about the equation, now I encounter a teacher who wants me to do that, wtf.) I email my paper (I do not own a printer, nor will I with the accumulated cost of books, gas, phone and car insurance bills, and groceries that I have to decide "will I pay my phone bill, will I eat rice for a week" to pay) This is the e-mail I get in response.
"Please print your papers and bring them to class. Sending them to me just makes me have to print them out to give back to you. In an emergency situation, this method works OK but try to print your own please. Ms. W"
I MAKE you have to print papers? OH LORD WHAT AN INCONVENIENCE. I never asked for my papers to be returned, logically if I have attached a file to send to you, I have the copy on my computer. If there is something wrong with this paper I will figure it out I'm sure.
Now maybe I'm just a social retard, and I am being unfair to this new math professor, and maybe I am completely biased by my first weeks impression. We were given study guides which she didn't have faith in "whoever made these had good intentions but may have been misguided" , lectured on material that wasn't being covered in our concurrent lab activities, and anyone who wasn't in her previous class is left completely in the dark as to how we are supposed to learn what we are supposed to be working on. Thus ends my rant on teachers.
I do not have my education paid for by the government.
I have no financial "fall back" if this fails.
This is not meant to be racial, in any way. But to state this quite bluntly as I understand it, is that the government favors those who procreate irresponsibly. Don't know who your baby's daddy is? No problem here's some money for school. Baby's daddy ran out on you? No problem here's some money for school.
I am 25 years old, I have no children, I am not married. I have to maintain a 3.5 GPA to get $300 from the government in financial aid (My average book bill per semester is $450). In order to perform(and pay for) at least an 80% capacity in my classes I have to work 30 hours a week at a minimum wage job(Grats California for the largest percentage of overeducated, over qualified minimum wage employees in the nation). If I wasn't living back home, I wouldn't be able to get an education.
Minimum wage is the predominant employment a college student can find because of schedule requirements, but minimum wage cannot keep up with the cost of living. Average income of a minimum wage employee(full time, which doesn't give you enough time to actually attend school)? $1280 before taxes, average cost of an apartment in California? $ 800 a month. Add car insurance, and a phone and your left with about $100 a month to spend on FOOD for survival and whatever else you can afford.
The poverty line in CA is $10,000 and below, so all childless college students who cannot obtain race specific, or gender specific scholarships fall under this category.
So my rant ends with this, our system is broken. While succeeding in giving others who would not neccissarily have the means to attend a good college, those who continue to work hard get kicked in the nuts, and are financially denied an education.
Our system is broken.