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Losing weight

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  • Losing weight

    In the last 6 months I have lost about 40 pounds. I went for being overweight for my height to within a healthy range. Mostly on a slow burn from going from my old diet to what my wife needs to eat for health reasons. I did not set out to lose weight, its just a side effect of my supporting my wife through a difficult time.

    Extra Skin
    Its just not around your belly, its all over. Instead of chubby, I look 'wrinkly'. Depending on who I ask I either look older or unhealthy. Plus I have what you could only describe as man boobs, I lost weight but did not tone up. So the skin on my chest is not tight anymore, so the fat that is left underneath will jiggle. And it feels like I cant lose that fat. So I need to tone up my chest to make it stop.

    always cold
    This is the most frustrating. I used to be able to endure the cold, be inside my server room without a coat for an hour at a time. Now 50degree weather is simply to cold. I wear gloves in the server room on top of my winter jacket.

    New clothes
    I had to replace my entire wardrobe. EVERYTHING. I dint just lose the fat in my belly. MY SOCKS AND BOXERS WONT EVEN STAY ON!!!!! And to top it all off I am over 6'8", I cant go to the store and pick something new. I need to special order everything, and its not cheep. 4 pairs of new jeans cost me 300$ (Work style with thicker denim, but nice enough to wear to work.) If I was 4 inches shorter it would of been 180$ for the exact same ones. 120$ big and tall tax I call it.

    Brittle Nails
    So now my nails have grown out enough to where because my calorie intake dropped my body hasn't produced strong nails. What happens is I grasp something to hard, and if I do it wrong I potently can bend the nail back causing it to bleed. This hurts like hell and I done it twice in 2 weeks. And since my nails have gotten softer they are not easy to cut.

  • #2
    Ah, yes, the 'fun' of weight loss purely from dietary changes without exercising. I've only lost about 5lbs from a changed diet, and I'm starting to get that 'saggy skin' look in a couple of places.

    As for the nails, if they've become brittle, that's likely due to a deficiency in your new diet; that won't happen purely due to a reduction in calories. In fact, the types of things that will help with your nail growth, will also help with skin elasticity and do something to reduce that saggy look.

    And congrats on the weight loss.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
      As for the nails, if they've become brittle, that's likely due to a deficiency in your new diet; that won't happen purely due to a reduction in calories. In fact, the types of things that will help with your nail growth, will also help with skin elasticity and do something to reduce that saggy look.

      And congrats on the weight loss.

      I agree. Your diet is missing something. At first guess, I'm thinking you're either not getting enough lean protein or amino acids, like the Omega family found in fish oil. If you'd like to share what your diet has been, I'll see if I can recommend anything. Congrats on the loss though. It may seem like more trouble than it's worth, but in the long run you'll be glad you did it.
      Last edited by crashhelmet; 03-06-2012, 09:05 PM. Reason: Wasn't finished
      Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
        As for the nails, if they've become brittle, that's likely due to a deficiency in your new diet; that won't happen purely due to a reduction in calories.
        yup nails and hair are made of Keratin, a protein, and the amino acids required to build that protein have zero to do with caloric intake.
        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


        • #5
          Originally posted by Daskinor View Post
          In the last 6 months I have lost about 40 pounds. I went for being overweight for my height to within a healthy range. Mostly on a slow burn from going from my old diet to what my wife needs to eat for health reasons. I did not set out to lose weight, its just a side effect of my supporting my wife through a difficult time.
          40 pounds in 6 months? That's quick. But, the best thing in that sentence is the "healthy range" bit. Congrats!

          Extra Skin
          Yeah, a sign you lost the weight too quickly. Skin will "shrink" to fit your frame, but probably too slowly for you to be happy...

          always cold
          Ugh, that sucks.

          New clothes
          Would suck less if you had the disposable income to enjoy the shopping...

          Brittle Nails
          Yeah, sounds like you need more protein, and maybe some zinc and calcium supplements.


          • #6
            Congrats on the weight loss and congrats on being kind to your wife.

            Originally posted by Daskinor
            Extra Skin
            Lack of water can also cause this while loosing weight. Try upping your water intake and your skin might pull in faster.

            Originally posted by Daskinor
            always cold
            It's because you have less fat. Building up lean muscle will help with that.

            Originally posted by Daskinor
            New clothes
            It sounds like its time to shop around.

            Originally posted by Daskinor
            Brittle Nails
            Ask a pharmacist about a supplement to take and wear athletic tape about your finger tips till your nails start coming in stronger. Also, and I know you may balk at this, go to a nail place and have them cut your nails as well as putting a clear coat on, it may help.


            • #7
              I lost 55 pounds over the past year, so congrats to you, intended or not. I experienced/have experienced all of the above problems except for the brittle nails. I take Biotin every day and I've never had problems with my nails.

              I am still adjusting to my newer size...I've been overweight for most of my adolescent and adult life so I know how strange it can be. Congrats on your healthy changes!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Aethian View Post
                Ask a pharmacist about a supplement to take and wear athletic tape about your finger tips till your nails start coming in stronger. Also, and I know you may balk at this, go to a nail place and have them cut your nails as well as putting a clear coat on, it may help.
                6 or so months ago I developed a split along my thumb that I can manage to not keep on getting deeper if I trim it soon enough, I feel it will be there for the rest of my life and I have thought about (today coincidentally) finding some clear nail varnish to see if it can harden it, or super glue the damn thing


                • #9
                  Daskinor, my fiance is about your height...he's 6'10" and over 300lbs. I know it's not easy being big and tall. The shoes, furniture, clothes, etc. Clothes and shoe shopping is either online or limited to certain stores and brands or they won't fit. Furniture has to be sturdy or it'll break *snaps* like that. Sounds like you lost quite a bit of weight and pretty quick too. What kind of diet are you and your wife on (though I understand it's out of support for her health issues) just out of curiosity?
                  There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                  • #10
                    I'm currently losing weight very slowly on a healthy eating plan as opposed to a diet. I pretty much eat the same stuff, but with extra veg and smaller portions, and no snacking between meals. Yes, I know that the odd snack here and there won't do any harm, but the way I used to snack could have fed a family of four. O_o I'm also walking loads and that helps, too.

                    Anyway, my reason for losing weight is to get rid of my tummy and my tummy is definitely flatter now. ^^ I haven't had any of the problems you discribe in your post, but I think that's cuz I'm losing weight slowly. I would agree with the posters who say you need a supplement; you should also review your diet and see if you can get some more protein and calcium into your diet. Lean chicken or peanuts have protein; try the unsalted version of peanuts rather than the salted or dry roasted. Fat free yoghurt or semi skimmed milk would get more calcium into your diet; use honey to sweeten the yoghurt. I'd say drinking skimmed milk, but I don't know whether you're like me and can't stand the stuff. XD

                    Anyway, good luck with your diet and hope it continues to go well!
                    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                    • #11
                      so after reading the comments I called up my doctor and told him about the nails. He already yelled at me for the fast weight lost and told me to come in and get some blood drawn, and a quick physical.

                      And the supplements win it. Just got a result from a blood test and I am b12 deficient. Going to get a couple of shots over the next few weeks and see if it recovers. And I also got a neat diet sheet that says eat one of me every day.

                      Most off my food over the last few months has been brown rice, cooked peas, carrots, squash. No Potatoes! Whole wheat products. I cant handle allot of raw fruits and non root vegetables, get horrible indigestion same thing with leafy greens. Meat is normally a chicken breast, talpia, red tuna, or a pork chop. Snacks generaly revolve around cheese and raw tomato(one of the few raw vegetables I can handle) with a touch of olive oil and garlic. Along with, cooked fruit, including the sun dried varieties.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tropicsgoddess View Post
                        What kind of diet are you and your wife on (though I understand it's out of support for her health issues) just out of curiosity?
                        She was diagnosed with Celiac, so a gluten free diet. I do cheat a little with my whole wheat bread, but its ok because fore some reason she never liked the texture of it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Daskinor View Post
                          And the supplements win it. Just got a result from a blood test and I am b12 deficient. Going to get a couple of shots over the next few weeks and see if it recovers. And I also got a neat diet sheet that says eat one of me every day.
                          I'm genetically low on the B-Complex and do a liquid supliment which at first was perscribed and then I found it on the shelf cheaper. So I would ask about taking the liquid form (I think it tastes yummy, Mom hates it) because just a dropper full every morning for the last few months and my b-complex levels are wonderful.


                          • #14
                            Superglue can bond keratin (nails) together, so long as there's enough surface area to form a strong bond.

                            If not, then a clear matte nail polish will be near invisible, and some of them are specifically designed to be a strengthener. Look for those, rather than the ones designed to be shiny-happy-pretty.

