You know, it doesn't matter whether you're male, female, trans or whathaveyou, Mother Nature can be a BITCH at times. This isn't a rant about "we women SUFFER SO MUCH!!!11!!" nor is it a rant about how much worse my lot in life might be compared to someone else. No, this is about those people who just can't comprehend that because THEY don't experience things the same way, then it doesn't exist.
WARNING, KIND OF GRAPHIC AHEAD!! Tried not to be too bad, but warning, nonetheless!!!
I'm cramping right now. Badly. I'm also bleeding fairly heavily, and the pain is bad enough I can't keep anything down without needing to throw it right back up, and it's reverberating down my legs and into my lower back. It's a bad cycle for me, but then most of them are. Normally, I can manage, but this is one of those, where the first few hours of the day are hell. I'm sitting at my desk at work right now, hunched over and praying fervently for the naproxen to kick in and soon, while sipping water and hoping I can keep it down.
So, I send a message to some people I know, who I commiserate with when they're feeling bad, and get a few texts back saying "Oh come on, cramps aren't THAT bad, take a motrin, you'll be fine!"
Ok, harsh, but you're entitled to your opinion, I guess...
Oh, lookie. ANOTHER text. "Seriously, it happens every month, either get used to it or go on the Pill. Duh"
Look, I know the experience varies for everyone, and no woman has the same pain threshhold. I feel that mine's lower than some, but that's just me. I can usually deal with it, yes, but when I'm throwing up breakfast, it kind of sucks, and I'm just asking for a little sympathy. I don't usually mention it, I just sort of shrug and move on. But seriously?
I get this a lot, and from various people and it just pisses me off. I don't even know where I'm going with this rant, but I'm not looking for a solution! If I could afford the pill, I'd go on it, believe me, I would, and that's not even counting if I could FIND one that's actually effective for me. That's a whole other ball of wax. I guess I'm just pissed that some people just thing "well, it's never that bad for me, so it MUST be an exaggeration on her part/she's a drama queen."
No, I'm not. In fact, I try my damndest NOT to be a drama queen, really, I do! So, really, what right do you have to judge me over the fact that my monthlies tend to be so bad for me, when you can get off with a light flow, no cramps and a slight inconvenience for 3 days out of the month? Do I grumble and bitch and whine about how unfair it is that *I* have to suffer?!?! Nope, I realize that's just how my body is and how my genetics have turned out.
But when the same people turn around moaning because "Oh, I have a headache, my stomach hurts, I have a COLD!", heaven help you if you don't ooooooze sympathy and "YOU POOR THING"s all over them. Then you're a cold, heartless bitch with no compassion and no understanding of what it's like to go through such discomfort. I mean, THEY have ALLERGIES even, and it makes them hurt!! Yeah, I do, too. Know what I do? I take a zyrtec, and a sudafed (For the days when the sinuses join the party) and I go about my day. I don't call in because I'm stuffed up with seasonal pollen and treesex byproducts.
I just don't get it, I guess. It was more a joke than anything, and I don't do it often, save for a select few. I'll whine at my mom every month and tell her she shouldn't have dealt me such crappy genetics, for example, but it's teasing and she jokes with me to make me feel better. Guess I should be more selective, and realize that when these people need to whine, I just listen and nod and offer sympathy, but not expect the same in return, because hell, it's just NOT that bad.
WARNING, KIND OF GRAPHIC AHEAD!! Tried not to be too bad, but warning, nonetheless!!!
I'm cramping right now. Badly. I'm also bleeding fairly heavily, and the pain is bad enough I can't keep anything down without needing to throw it right back up, and it's reverberating down my legs and into my lower back. It's a bad cycle for me, but then most of them are. Normally, I can manage, but this is one of those, where the first few hours of the day are hell. I'm sitting at my desk at work right now, hunched over and praying fervently for the naproxen to kick in and soon, while sipping water and hoping I can keep it down.
So, I send a message to some people I know, who I commiserate with when they're feeling bad, and get a few texts back saying "Oh come on, cramps aren't THAT bad, take a motrin, you'll be fine!"
Ok, harsh, but you're entitled to your opinion, I guess...
Oh, lookie. ANOTHER text. "Seriously, it happens every month, either get used to it or go on the Pill. Duh"
Look, I know the experience varies for everyone, and no woman has the same pain threshhold. I feel that mine's lower than some, but that's just me. I can usually deal with it, yes, but when I'm throwing up breakfast, it kind of sucks, and I'm just asking for a little sympathy. I don't usually mention it, I just sort of shrug and move on. But seriously?
I get this a lot, and from various people and it just pisses me off. I don't even know where I'm going with this rant, but I'm not looking for a solution! If I could afford the pill, I'd go on it, believe me, I would, and that's not even counting if I could FIND one that's actually effective for me. That's a whole other ball of wax. I guess I'm just pissed that some people just thing "well, it's never that bad for me, so it MUST be an exaggeration on her part/she's a drama queen."
No, I'm not. In fact, I try my damndest NOT to be a drama queen, really, I do! So, really, what right do you have to judge me over the fact that my monthlies tend to be so bad for me, when you can get off with a light flow, no cramps and a slight inconvenience for 3 days out of the month? Do I grumble and bitch and whine about how unfair it is that *I* have to suffer?!?! Nope, I realize that's just how my body is and how my genetics have turned out.
But when the same people turn around moaning because "Oh, I have a headache, my stomach hurts, I have a COLD!", heaven help you if you don't ooooooze sympathy and "YOU POOR THING"s all over them. Then you're a cold, heartless bitch with no compassion and no understanding of what it's like to go through such discomfort. I mean, THEY have ALLERGIES even, and it makes them hurt!! Yeah, I do, too. Know what I do? I take a zyrtec, and a sudafed (For the days when the sinuses join the party) and I go about my day. I don't call in because I'm stuffed up with seasonal pollen and treesex byproducts.
I just don't get it, I guess. It was more a joke than anything, and I don't do it often, save for a select few. I'll whine at my mom every month and tell her she shouldn't have dealt me such crappy genetics, for example, but it's teasing and she jokes with me to make me feel better. Guess I should be more selective, and realize that when these people need to whine, I just listen and nod and offer sympathy, but not expect the same in return, because hell, it's just NOT that bad.