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"Oh, it's not THAT bad" (warning, rant on feminine issues)

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  • "Oh, it's not THAT bad" (warning, rant on feminine issues)

    You know, it doesn't matter whether you're male, female, trans or whathaveyou, Mother Nature can be a BITCH at times. This isn't a rant about "we women SUFFER SO MUCH!!!11!!" nor is it a rant about how much worse my lot in life might be compared to someone else. No, this is about those people who just can't comprehend that because THEY don't experience things the same way, then it doesn't exist.

    WARNING, KIND OF GRAPHIC AHEAD!! Tried not to be too bad, but warning, nonetheless!!!

    I'm cramping right now. Badly. I'm also bleeding fairly heavily, and the pain is bad enough I can't keep anything down without needing to throw it right back up, and it's reverberating down my legs and into my lower back. It's a bad cycle for me, but then most of them are. Normally, I can manage, but this is one of those, where the first few hours of the day are hell. I'm sitting at my desk at work right now, hunched over and praying fervently for the naproxen to kick in and soon, while sipping water and hoping I can keep it down.

    So, I send a message to some people I know, who I commiserate with when they're feeling bad, and get a few texts back saying "Oh come on, cramps aren't THAT bad, take a motrin, you'll be fine!"


    Ok, harsh, but you're entitled to your opinion, I guess...

    Oh, lookie. ANOTHER text. "Seriously, it happens every month, either get used to it or go on the Pill. Duh"



    Look, I know the experience varies for everyone, and no woman has the same pain threshhold. I feel that mine's lower than some, but that's just me. I can usually deal with it, yes, but when I'm throwing up breakfast, it kind of sucks, and I'm just asking for a little sympathy. I don't usually mention it, I just sort of shrug and move on. But seriously?

    I get this a lot, and from various people and it just pisses me off. I don't even know where I'm going with this rant, but I'm not looking for a solution! If I could afford the pill, I'd go on it, believe me, I would, and that's not even counting if I could FIND one that's actually effective for me. That's a whole other ball of wax. I guess I'm just pissed that some people just thing "well, it's never that bad for me, so it MUST be an exaggeration on her part/she's a drama queen."

    No, I'm not. In fact, I try my damndest NOT to be a drama queen, really, I do! So, really, what right do you have to judge me over the fact that my monthlies tend to be so bad for me, when you can get off with a light flow, no cramps and a slight inconvenience for 3 days out of the month? Do I grumble and bitch and whine about how unfair it is that *I* have to suffer?!?! Nope, I realize that's just how my body is and how my genetics have turned out.

    But when the same people turn around moaning because "Oh, I have a headache, my stomach hurts, I have a COLD!", heaven help you if you don't ooooooze sympathy and "YOU POOR THING"s all over them. Then you're a cold, heartless bitch with no compassion and no understanding of what it's like to go through such discomfort. I mean, THEY have ALLERGIES even, and it makes them hurt!! Yeah, I do, too. Know what I do? I take a zyrtec, and a sudafed (For the days when the sinuses join the party) and I go about my day. I don't call in because I'm stuffed up with seasonal pollen and treesex byproducts.

    I just don't get it, I guess. It was more a joke than anything, and I don't do it often, save for a select few. I'll whine at my mom every month and tell her she shouldn't have dealt me such crappy genetics, for example, but it's teasing and she jokes with me to make me feel better. Guess I should be more selective, and realize that when these people need to whine, I just listen and nod and offer sympathy, but not expect the same in return, because hell, it's just NOT that bad.


  • #2
    I'll sympathize with you, Lupo. I'm not vomiting (though I didn't eat much yesterday because I was so bloated and nauseous), but it hurts to move, it hurts to stand, it hurts to lay down, it HURTS. Mine weren't bad until I got the IUD.....I just keep telling myself that it hurts less than labor.

    Periods suck. Cramps suck. And to anybody that tries to play down what you're experiencing.....eff 'em.


    • #3
      I've never had it THAT bad but no matter what, periods and cramps suck. One of my aunts from my dad's side of the family gets cramps so bad that it makes her vomit. Those that are like "oh it's just cramps" seriously don't get it. They don't get what it's like to sit down and then suddenly feel you have the Hoover Dam going between you legs when you stand up and to curl up fetal position because your cramps and back are killing you.
      There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


      • #4
        I don't get bad cramps, but I get really bad migraines during my lovely time. Sometimes I can actually catch it before it gets worse. Other times I will wake up and I won't be able to handle the day. My roomie always always nags at me "You can't call out sick, you need the money. Blah Blah Blah" Sorry, you don't have a low pain threshold like I do when it comes to headaches and migraines. I work as a Beauty Advisor at my job. Guess whats there? People with screaming kids, people wanting to try perfume and bright lights. Yeah, not happening. My health is more important.


        • #5
          I feel for you, Lupo!

          Not this past Friday, but the Friday before, I forgot to take my pill. First time I ever actually forgot to take it. Don't know why.

          Anyway, I'm on a period-preventing pill. I didn't think one day missed would cause what happened last week, granted there was a lot of stress at work and I was literally on the verge of killing someone Mon-Wed, but still:

          I started spotting as early as Sunday, and it did NOT stop until Thursday morning sometime, and every day I got the cramps I used to have when I was regularly menstruating. It was bad. Combined with my headache problems, I was popping 2 ibuprofen every couple hours, and nothing was helping. My thighs were just paining so bad, and I have to stand and walk around at work for 12 hours.


          • #6
            see that's what makes me mad, are people who don't understand that some people have a really hard time with a lot of symptoms that come before and along with their periods. Some people can breeze right through it and yay for them. But some of us have a lot pain, a lot of heavy bleeding, and other issues. My cramping has gotten better as I get older thank god.....but I still have months when other things hurt instead. And I feel emotional and bitchy and want to eat nonstop, and end up feeling bloated and disgusting. It's NOT fun! and it's NOT easy. If men were to have even ONE month of this bullshit you can bet there would be some changes made in terms of accommodations and attitudes.
            Great YouTube channel check it out!


            • #7
              *comfort* Pain is pain. We all have different levels of what we consider too much. In the meantime,I hope you feel better soon.


              • #8
                If any one of those people suffers from migraines, ask them if they can just "suck it up." After all migraine sufferers usually get them semi-regularly, and it's "just a headache."

                I'm lucky, my periods are regular, light, and don't make me wish I were dead for more than maybe a few seconds here and there. But I know I'm way over on the lucky side; I have friends who pretty much go fetal for a week out of every month because that's the only thing they have the strength to do until it's over.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  One thing I definitely learned growing up in a house with just my mom and sister was to never question how much a period sucks. Certain ex-girlfriends have re-enforced this belief.

                  Who wants some freshly made brownies?
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #10
                    Ill go get some ice cream.. any particular flavor or should I just empty the shelf?


                    • #11
                      Just so you guys know, Ben & Jerry's has a new flavor called "Chocolate Therapy" that I highly recommend.


                      • #12
                        and that's what i don't understand. Faceless people on the internet offer more support than people I KNOW. I do thank everyone for the sympathy. Right now, I've spent the whole day at my desk, having had to actually warn my poor boss what was going on, when he asked why I was shuffling around like a zombie. I tried to be delicate, saying something along the lines of having a small physical issue. Then he asked if I needed to go to a nurse. I told him "No, I KNOW how to deal with THIS kind of issue it happens REGULARLY" (hinthinthinthint boss!!)

                        Instead he says maybe I should go to a doctor if it's recurring so regularly.


                        "Boss, with all due respect I'm having a rough....feminine month."

                        "Oh... Um... Ok..."

                        "yeah, so I'm just going to plow through all the paperwork tasks today, instead of stocking out and rearranging the floor, and if I happen to take more bathroom breaks than usual"

                        "I'll assume you're dying on the floor for a while and just leave you in peace?"

                        "that works..."

                        My poor boss.

                        Still feeling nauseated, though. Breakfast came up, I've been sipping on a liter bottle of carbonated water, and some powerade. Naproxen came back up (How's that for irony...?), but so far, the little bit of steamed rice from my lunch has managed to stay down, as well as the wrapping from the potstickers I made last night.

                        Less than an hour until I can clock out, go home, and curl up in a ball.


                        • #13
                          I never really got the pukes or anything when I still had a period, but my lord was it ever hard to sit still or move around or do anything but lay straight on my back with a heating pad!

                          Last week at work was horrible, not only because of what all went down but also because I was in so much pain in my hips and thighs from cramping, for some reason none of my OTC pain meds were touching it, and of course I had the harpies after me "go go go go go go, now now now now!"


                          • #14
                            Mine are regular and I'm in pain. TMI in the following paragraph(s)!!! Just wanted to give you a heads' up!!!!!

                            Bowel movements are not consistent (no matter how much or how little fiber I ingest). Then there's the migraines. I get them 2 days before my period and they last the 5-6 days my period sticks around. My skin becomes highly sensitive to a point I want nothing touching me at all. (If I could go completely naked during this time, I would). And of course my knees and back like to throb in time with my cramps. I feel barfy, but I don't actually throw up. This does not inclue the extremely heavy bleeding I incur this one week per month.

                            However, my doctor has given me a prescription for Lysteda. It's a hormonal pill that is NOT a birth control pill. It makes your periods lighter (and my last one definitely was). On a good day, I'm anemic, while on my period I'm dangerously anemic. This was incredibly helpful. Didn't have to wear a huge overnight pad during the day (and I go through a bag and a half in 5-6 days - at 20 pads per bag).

                            So Lupo, I understand what you are going through.

                            Take care!
                            Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

                            Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


                            • #15
                              Oh, gods, the hypersensitivity is enough to drive me insane.

                              I don't have a lot of trouble when I'm actually menstruating, but about a week before, I get hit with about a dozen different things that can really throw me if I'm not paying attention to the date.

                              The hypersensitivity is by far the worst. Going naked wouldn't even help, because I can feel every single hair on my body. >_< The air annoys me at that point. Thankfully, this only lasts a day or two, but during those days, I'm liable to be exceedingly cranky.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

