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Not Understanding

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  • Not Understanding

    I love my husband to pieces I promise but sometimes..

    I was diagnosed in October of last year as a Type 2 Bipolar. This means unlike a normal Bipolar is manic with depressive episodes. I am depressed with Manic episodes. I apparently have been Bipolar for most of my life and got fired in Aug because I was so depressed I didn't give a shit.

    I don't like my diagnosis nor do I like having to take close to 10 pills a night to control my mood swings. So yes some days i do complain. The other night I was talking my a friend on F.B. who is also Bipolar and we were bullshitting back and forth when I swung from Manic to depressive for a bit and stated how frustrated I was because I have to fight every day to get through school. I got so mad I knew I needed to go to bed so I went to tell my husband what was going on.
    His response: "If you would quit dwelling on it and bitching about it it wouldn't get so bad"

    Excuse me but I am allowed to be frustrated and express my frustration because otherwise I bottle it up more. He is always pushing me to express because I am an introvert who bottles to much but apparently after months of not complaining a lot complaining that night was dwelling on it to much....Needless to say I went to bed and just didn't bring it up again. He wonders why I need a therapist and not to just talk to him...

  • #2
    Erm, I think he wants you to express it, to get it out of your system. And if he is empathic, he has sensed that you were bottling it up. Honestly, to me, that hurts more than the bitching.

    Or he could be an ass and Im interpreting everything the wrong way. I hope Im not.


    • #3
      He isn't an ass but apparently was trying to make me laugh and was trying to be silly I just didn't see it that way. Sometimes he doesn't understand my moods but what man really does.


      • #4
        It is also a bit more then the fact that men don't understand women (heck I don't even understand other women I have NO chance of figuring out)..but that people without mental issues, normally don't understand those who do. All I can do is offer *hugs* and *cookies* and wish you the best.


        • #5
          Consider that you are judging him by how his actions made you feel.

          He's judging himself by what his intentions were.

          His intentions may have been to cheer you up, but his words pissed you off. It doesn't mean that he's an arse, just that he didn't pick up on your mood.

