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I Swear....

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  • I Swear....

    So, last few years I have been finding out that my body has sensitivity to Monosodium Glutamate, nitrates (found in most hot dogs and beef jerkey) and artificial sweetners (and some natural 0 calorie sugars). I cannot find a damn pack of gum without seeing aspartame, acefleume K and the like. Its really annoying. And don't get me started on MSG. A lot of frozen dinners have it, a lot of soups have it. Even some brands of rice has it. Thankfully, with the nitrates, some brands are coming out with products that have zero in them. I just hate it. I hate having to read labels. And even if I did, sometimes they hide it in some different name. I get really bad migraines, sometimes I feel so dizzy. It gets to the point in where I can't function. I have been trying to be better with what I eat, but sometimes its just not enough.

  • #2
    It doesn't help that the healthier foods you need are 1. hard to find 2. more expensive and 3. a lot less convenient.
    Great YouTube channel check it out!

