Here's something I'm sick of, people's "concern" over others to disguise their disapproval of them. A good example is the whole "hate the sin not the sinner" bullshit with regards to things like homosexuality. Or in my case, they want me to be more outgoing and won't accept that I am generally pretty quiet. Instead of just accepting the person for who they are, they show their "love" by trying to change them.
This is tricky because there are times when intervention is necessary (alcohol or drug problems), but a lot of the time, it's matter of trying to change someone because they don't like them. It's just a manipulative way to try to control people to your liking.
This is tricky because there are times when intervention is necessary (alcohol or drug problems), but a lot of the time, it's matter of trying to change someone because they don't like them. It's just a manipulative way to try to control people to your liking.