Since I've moved back home, I've made friends with hubby's friends and their wives. There are two in particular - Keith and Eric. Both are hubby's friends and co-workers. Keith is engaged to Ann, and Eric is married to Jennifer and has a 1 year old.
Keith is the DM of our D&D group, which consists of Ann, Eric, Hubby, Rob, and, now, myself.* We were finally all able to get together last weekend so that I could make a character and start playing with them. Eric has a nice-ish house with a spare room upstairs that he has turned into a rather nice gaming room. So, he hosts, we order Chinese food, etc. Jennifer, instead of hanging out, playing, or otherwise socializing, sulks downstairs watching tv and yells at us any time we crack open the door to let the air circulate a bit better. How dare we make noise and interrupt her precious Mad Men?
Okay, if you're going to be so blatantly rude to your guests, DON'T HOST, first of all. Secondly, she's one of a series of wives/girlfriends I've met who see gaming as a silly hobby that their hubbies/boyfriends need to grow out of. I had a different friend's wife give me tips for "getting Hubby off video games."
Why would I want him to give up the one hobby that he really enjoys? Since dropping WoW and SWTOR, we're not even spending any money on it, and Guild Wars 2 doesn't have a subscription. As long as he holds a job and helps out around the house, I'm not going to make him give up his games, and I'm baffled by the women that would.
*Seriously it is SO MUCH FUN. Why didn't someone tell me tabletop gaming was so much fun?
Keith is the DM of our D&D group, which consists of Ann, Eric, Hubby, Rob, and, now, myself.* We were finally all able to get together last weekend so that I could make a character and start playing with them. Eric has a nice-ish house with a spare room upstairs that he has turned into a rather nice gaming room. So, he hosts, we order Chinese food, etc. Jennifer, instead of hanging out, playing, or otherwise socializing, sulks downstairs watching tv and yells at us any time we crack open the door to let the air circulate a bit better. How dare we make noise and interrupt her precious Mad Men?
Okay, if you're going to be so blatantly rude to your guests, DON'T HOST, first of all. Secondly, she's one of a series of wives/girlfriends I've met who see gaming as a silly hobby that their hubbies/boyfriends need to grow out of. I had a different friend's wife give me tips for "getting Hubby off video games."
*Seriously it is SO MUCH FUN. Why didn't someone tell me tabletop gaming was so much fun?