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Little things my mom does

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  • Little things my mom does

    Here's just a list of some small things my mom that tends to piss me off over time:

    1. Not properly turning off the TV. She'll either only turn off the TV or only the cable box. Then I get to play which one is it.

    2. She never uses the HD channels. We'll turn the TV on to watch the Yankees or something, and she'll turn on channel 55, the non-HD channel. Why even bother having HD if she never turns it on? I mean, I'm the one who pays the extra HD fee but it's ridiculous. We have it for a reason.

    3. Never taking her laundry out of the washer. Since I don't work, I like to do my laundry during the day so if those who work want to do it when they get home, I won't be in their way. Without fail, there's always a load of laundry in the washer that was never thrown in the drier. So then if it's been in there too long, I have to redo her load just to do mine. I don't want to do other people's laundry.

    4. Parking right behind me. I'm the only one with a brand new car. My car is the only one with a solid paint job. As such, I park my car in our garage. My mom almost without fail will park in the driveway right behind me. God forbid I have to go somewhere, she acts like it's a huge deal to move her car.

    5. Nearly every Monday, like clockwork, my mom tells me to mow the lawn. Now, we might not be in the drought some of the other country is in, but we still haven't been getting much rain and when it does rain, it's really quick. We also don't have normal grass in our lawn either. As a result, it's been barely growing at all. If the grass hasn't grown at all, I'm not wasting my time mowing off a millimeter of grass. It's not worth my time and it's not worth the gasoline. But she'll still flip out about it.

    6. The airconditioning. Last night, she whined that we use it too much and we need to give the system a rest (I don't buy that. She just wants a lower electricity bill.). So since last night was going to be the coolest night of the week, my sister and I picked last night. We opened all the windows and it wasn't actually as horrible as normal. I told my mom last night that when she gets up, to make sure to shut the windows and turn the AC back on. Otherwise, I'll wake up to a house that is 80F (26.7C) and I'll be laying in sweat. I'll wake up early and be forced to get up normally than my body is okay with. So what happened this morning? I wake up around 9am and I'm sweating balls. Naturally, it's hot in the house, windows are still open, AC is off. She says it's not that bad in the house with the AC off, but I'm the only one who is in the house when it's hot outside. Sure, it won't be so bad inside once it's past 5pm but I still have to suffer and she doesn't seem to understand it.

    7. The dogs. My mom is the reason my dogs are overweight and have such bad manners. My mom constantly gives them scraps from the table while we are eating. If she's having a snack while in the living room, instead of saying no and making them get off the couch, she rewards their begging with snacks. But then she'll complain if a dog snatches food out of her hand. I'm trying my damnest to train them to be better with food. Hell, I've nearly gotten the smaller dog to stop jumping against me when I give them a couple kibbles as a treat. But my mom just ruins all that training by reinforcing their bad behavior. She also won't contribute to making the dogs healthier. My older dog is slight bigger than a 15" beagle (the larger breed of beagle). He was 37 lbs. at the vet which is pretty bad. 30 lbs is what they should weigh at most. Thanks to my playing with them and taking them on walks along with my stepdad walking them, he's dropped down to 34.5 lbs. He looks much healthier, moves a lot faster. But the little one is still plump. If they die of something other than clogged arteries I'll be surprised.
    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

  • #2
    I moved back in with my mom after college when my parents split.

    I think that was a mistake in retrospect. She was very difficult to live with, both because of her habits and her mental/emotional state.

    I still love her to bits, but I'm thankful I have my own home now and don't have to worry about rules (well at least not her rules).


    • #3
      For #3, put it in a basket while you do yours, then put it back in the washer when you're done. Leave it exactly the way you found it.

      For #5, show her this video.

      Otherwise, all I can do is commiserate on the other issues. My former mother-in-law was the same with chores, only in her case, she'd get pissed that they weren't done immediately and do them herself and then whine about having to do them herself.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        My mom does the same thing with laundry. Wakes up, gets ready for work, tosses in a load of laundry, it sits ALL DAY until she gets home. Then the washer just wreeks of moldy towels or whatnot.

        And don't get me started on the AC. Do NOT. We don't "need" it. The house temp is never to go below 80 degrees. When mom gets home from work, she immediately turns off every fan in the house, and turns the thermostat to 85 (as high as it goes) to ensure that AC will not kick back on. Because, you know, the body can keep ITSELF cool, despite it being nearly 100 degrees every day with the heat index. We just get so worked up over how hot it is, that's why we're hot. No lie, I cannot even have a fucking FAN on downstairs. And if I dare leave a fan going in my room when I'm not home, I get in trouble. It's fucking ridiculuous.

        I keep the house neat and clean in lieu of rent. What really pisses me off, if I DARE want to go do anything and may not have time to mop or vaccuum, ask her to do it....I get a lecture. I get constantly nagged as to why I'm never home on my days off. BECAUSE MY FRIENDS HAVE AIR CONDITIONING AND THEY USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        And, because I don't know how to use a dishwasher, it's not my job. I do pretty much everything else. But, mom and dad let the sink get to overflowing with dirty dishes and it stinks and gets in the way of my cleaning, so I politely ask someone to fill the dishwasher so I can clean the rest of the kitchen. The last time I did that? Mom exploded and yelled at me "BACK OFF!"

        Oh, by the way, she also works too hard to clean. The woman who sits in a cubicle for 8 hours a day, while brother and I work in factories and Dad is always on the road.
        Last edited by blas87; 08-01-2012, 01:42 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
          For #5, show her this video.
          I showed it to her. She thought it was cute and funny.
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #6
            She totally didn't get it, did she. >_<

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
              She totally didn't get it, did she. >_<

              No, she did. She then proceeded to say everyone else does it. The only time I've given them scraps was when it's something that couldn't be saved, not a lot, and after dinner in their bowls when they have been good.
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


              • #8
                Is that "everyone else does it, too" or "everyone else does it, not me"?

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  My middle daughter used to do the "leave the wet laundry in the washer" thing too. Drives me crazy because they DO stink if they are in there too long. And they are in the way when I want to do my laundry. She hasn't been home really the last couple of months so I have had my washer and dryer to myself .

                  One thing that drives me crazy is leaving dirty dishes in the sink when the damn dishwasher is RIGHT THERE. Daughter used to do that too, ugh.

                  Also if the garbage can is FULL of garbage and is threatening to overflow, change out the goddamn bag and put in a new empty one wouldja? And take the garbage out.

                  I don't understand turning off the cable box ever...mine has a clock on it I use all the time, plus the dvr that gets used every day. Why would you ever turn it off?

         need to just come live here I LOVE air conditioning
                  Great YouTube channel check it out!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                    Is that "everyone else does it, too" or "everyone else does it, not me"?

                    Everyone else does it, too. But she's the only one who does it in the middle of dinner, when they bark and howl for it.

                    Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                    I don't understand turning off the cable box ever...mine has a clock on it I use all the time, plus the dvr that gets used every day. Why would you ever turn it off?
                    Wastes electricity. I've got other stuff to tell me the time if I need it and we never use the DVR on the living room TV.
                    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                    • #11
                      Even though I tend to be kind of hot natured, I often try to "tough out" the hot weather by keeping the windows open instead of turning on the A/C. If I feel like I'm ready to start sweating, I'll turn it on, because if I start sweating I'll feel dirty like I need a shower. I just like having the fresh air in the house, and I do try to keep the bills as low as possible (which is important, because it's looking like my hours at work might be getting cut soon).

                      Though having the thermostat set at 85 seems silly--may as well just open up the windows if you're going to do that.

                      I lived at home when I was going to college, and it got pretty annoying at times. Sometimes I wish I had just moved out when I went to college, but then I think that maybe I wouldn't have been able to build up my savings if I did that, which would mean I wouldn't have been able to buy my home last year. Anyway, when you're a young adult, your parents can be pretty annoying. You're ready to spread your wings and explore your newly discovered adulthood, while they on the other hand still want to treat you like a kid. That was how it was for me, anyway. Throughout my twenties, I don't think I was able to make any decisions without my mom subjecting me to one of her lectures. And what really made that annoying was she would harp on the same concepts repetitively.


                      • #12
                        We won't get started on the garbage, either.

                        NO ONE else in this fucking family believes in taking out the garbage. It's a simple walk through the house, out the front door, and boom, right by the garage.

                        Nope, it's so much easier to keep cramming, and cramming, and cramming, and cramming....until that bag is so heavy and practically ripping. Or, leave it that way until I come home, since I'm the only one who believes in taking out the garbage. For effs sakes, there have been times the garbage has been crammed down so much, it won't go down any further, and I'll come home and there's paper towels and other misc garbage that has fallen on the floor from their attempts to keep shoving it down, and they don't even care.


                        • #13
                          8. Blaming me for high phone bill. I haven't made any long phone calls. I mostly just call other cell phones which don't count towards minutes. But this month, my mom had me take and send multiple pictures to my sister. Now my mom is trying to get the extra $20 from me. Sorry, no, you made me send the pictures, you get to pay for it.
                          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                          • #14
                            My mother did that as well, Green Day.

                            I got a new phone in June, the same as my mom and brother have, hopped on their plan. As can be predicted, the next bill was a little higher. IMMEDIATELY my fault, I hogged up all the GB that we're allowed to have.

                            Nope, Ma. See, there's a handy dandy little thingy here that tells me how much I am using when I'm not using Wifi. It wasn't all me and I did not hog all of our 6 GB.

                            Everything is my fault, I swear to God. Ya know, someone else moves in, the bills will get a little higher. I do NOT take multiple showers a day NOR do I just sit there with water running NOR do I leave lights on all day or spend all day using Verizon's data, so shut it.

