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Links Without Descriptions

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  • Links Without Descriptions

    I hate having to mouse-over a link to find out where the hell it leads.

    I hate clicking a link to a news site to find out it's for a video and not a text article.

    I hate clicking a link and having a new window open up because it's a doc or pdf and not an actual webpage.

    I hate clicking a link to what I think is going to be a news site only to be blasted with a dozen badly-done ads, at least one of which has auto-play audio, on some crappy blog that may or may not get me in trouble with my work's IT crew.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

  • #2
    One way for a website to make my shit-list is audio you can't turn off. This applies to anything. I listen to my own music when surfing, I don't want anyone else's selections forced on me over top of that. That goes double for ads.
    Recently I went to one website looking for hot-fix rhinestones for a costume I'm working on, and the front page had a flash video that consisted of a poorly animated female avatar, who kept droning on and on about something or other- I don't know what they were talking about, I was too busy looking for some way to disable the sound. And to top it all off, whoever did the voiceover was awful at it, not clear at all. So if they were trying to communicate important info, it failed utterly.

    And yes, I hate those audio ads too, especially when they're the same damn ads I hear on TV, and I can't turn off the sound, because whoever provides the ads is determined to force them down my throat. FYI, ad-people: Annoying the piss out of me is one sure way NOT to get me to buy whatever you're selling!


    • #3
      Ditto here about the audio ads. They don't bother me as much on YouTube, where I'm expecting sound, but on blogs and other sites that are textual in nature, the unexpected audio startles me and usually I don't even bother searching for the tiny mute button that's hidden somewhere, I just go straight for the back button and never return.


      • #4
        Unexpected audio from an ad almost always results in an immediate closing of the site.

        Unexpected audio from something site-related only usually results in the same; sometimes I'll just try to find what I wanted quickly before bailing.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I hate clicking a link to what I think is going to be a news site only to be blasted with a dozen badly-done ads, at least one of which has auto-play audio, on some crappy blog that may or may not get me in trouble with my work's IT crew.
          I'm currently building a site and ... o yes! I'm sooo thankful that I was told last night that the sponsors they had listed before were temporary.

          I mean I want sponsors for the people I'm building the site for. Don't get me wrong. But... I'll be thankful that I won't have to link to <Horrible_Sponsor_Site> again.

          It's not the worse site I've ever seen. Someone over at CS posted a link to a site that has won that particular prize. But Horrible_Sponsor_Site is still pretty heinous. Comic Sans in yellow on a black background. With marquees. And bad midi music you can't silence.



          • #6
            I especially hate anything with audio, whether ad or content, that starts playing automatically. It's bad enough when it's what I'm looking at, but when it's in one of the 50 *other* tabs I've got open and I can't find which one.

            I also hate it when sites block command-clicking to open a link in a new tab, instead making it act like a normal click. Sure, why not, it's not like anybody could *possibly* both think that one of the articles you've listed down the side of the page might be interesting AND want to finish the one they're in the middle of. A serious question: does anybody know any reason for setting a site up like that?
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #7
              How about having such busy ads on a page that it freezes my internet so I can't surf anything for a couple minutes? I'll stop going to your site now, thanks.

              I absolutely agree with the OP, especially for the links leading to anything with video or audio. Are we all so lazy now that we can't READ? Besides, why must the videos and articles ALWAYS start at full blast? Ouch. And BTW, there's no reason for a 30 second commercial before every single 1-minute news video. This once again means I'll hunt for news options elsewhere.

