No, this thread isn't about the ritual of setting clocks forward in Spring and back in the Fall for the purpose of... something or other.
This thread is about the phrase, "Daylight Savings Time." Because it's wrong.
Now, I don't mind when regular people just talking put that second 'S' in there. They can't help it. They don't know any better.
But journalists... Journalists should know better. They should know that it's "Daylight Saving Time," and I shouldn't be greeted with headlines getting it wrong. >_<
Yeah. It's a nitpicky thing to hate. It still irks me.
This thread is about the phrase, "Daylight Savings Time." Because it's wrong.
Now, I don't mind when regular people just talking put that second 'S' in there. They can't help it. They don't know any better.
But journalists... Journalists should know better. They should know that it's "Daylight Saving Time," and I shouldn't be greeted with headlines getting it wrong. >_<
Yeah. It's a nitpicky thing to hate. It still irks me.