yes coworkers, I totally enjoy not being able to be less than 10 feet from a bathroom or bucket right now, it's soooo much more fun than being at work and healthy.
"But you're in bed/pajamas." Yes only because I have barely managed to keep saltines down in the last 48 hours because I HAVE FOOD POISONING!
Seriously, this is not an "extended weekend", I'm a contamination hazard for the lab. I know it sucks to marginally cover for me(only do what's absolutely necessary, and sod the rest, "blaqueKatt will do it when she comes back."), but being seriously ill is no picnic. I had to have my husband call in for me monday because I was unable to navigate the phone tree between heaves, and am currently stressed about about what I'll be walking into tomorrow. No I'm not at 100%, but I'm sick of the bitching, especially since this is the first time in TWO YEARS I've had more than a single day off, and the rest of you take WEEKS AT A TIME*.
Also it's fantastic to know that when I get sick from a migraine(vomiting 4 times, vision blurry), I have to finish my work before I can leave, because no one will cover, but you'll insist the part-timer go home because of a cold.(this was last week, I had a migraine wednesday, part-timer had a cold thursday)
*we get 160 hours of vacation time, I still have 30 hours from last year, everyone else was already borrowing PTO from their 2013 bank in november.
"But you're in bed/pajamas." Yes only because I have barely managed to keep saltines down in the last 48 hours because I HAVE FOOD POISONING!
Seriously, this is not an "extended weekend", I'm a contamination hazard for the lab. I know it sucks to marginally cover for me(only do what's absolutely necessary, and sod the rest, "blaqueKatt will do it when she comes back."), but being seriously ill is no picnic. I had to have my husband call in for me monday because I was unable to navigate the phone tree between heaves, and am currently stressed about about what I'll be walking into tomorrow. No I'm not at 100%, but I'm sick of the bitching, especially since this is the first time in TWO YEARS I've had more than a single day off, and the rest of you take WEEKS AT A TIME*.
Also it's fantastic to know that when I get sick from a migraine(vomiting 4 times, vision blurry), I have to finish my work before I can leave, because no one will cover, but you'll insist the part-timer go home because of a cold.(this was last week, I had a migraine wednesday, part-timer had a cold thursday)
*we get 160 hours of vacation time, I still have 30 hours from last year, everyone else was already borrowing PTO from their 2013 bank in november.