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being sick

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  • being sick

    yes coworkers, I totally enjoy not being able to be less than 10 feet from a bathroom or bucket right now, it's soooo much more fun than being at work and healthy.

    "But you're in bed/pajamas." Yes only because I have barely managed to keep saltines down in the last 48 hours because I HAVE FOOD POISONING!

    Seriously, this is not an "extended weekend", I'm a contamination hazard for the lab. I know it sucks to marginally cover for me(only do what's absolutely necessary, and sod the rest, "blaqueKatt will do it when she comes back."), but being seriously ill is no picnic. I had to have my husband call in for me monday because I was unable to navigate the phone tree between heaves, and am currently stressed about about what I'll be walking into tomorrow. No I'm not at 100%, but I'm sick of the bitching, especially since this is the first time in TWO YEARS I've had more than a single day off, and the rest of you take WEEKS AT A TIME*.

    Also it's fantastic to know that when I get sick from a migraine(vomiting 4 times, vision blurry), I have to finish my work before I can leave, because no one will cover, but you'll insist the part-timer go home because of a cold.(this was last week, I had a migraine wednesday, part-timer had a cold thursday)

    *we get 160 hours of vacation time, I still have 30 hours from last year, everyone else was already borrowing PTO from their 2013 bank in november.
    Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 03-05-2013, 09:49 PM.
    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

  • #2
    *offers hugs*

    I hate being ill too. It's just so draining and hopeless-feeling. I got the flu jab for the first time this October just gone, and the usual chest infection I get in wintertime was held at bay, only a short cold getting through. I am so getting that again - after last year's winter ick turned into walking pneumonia, I never want to have that again.

    Get well soon!!


    • #3
      I was really sick the beginning of February.....not to gross ya'll out, but had the shits for nearly a straight week. And gained 10 lbs from it (???) that I'm still fighting to get rid of.

      It's always wonderful when people think you're faking it or just taking advantage of it.

      My mom got me a teddy bear and she and my dad checked on me a lot while I was sleeping while I was sick. That was nice, at least a couple of people cared enough to ask how I was.

      Hope you get better soon, Katt.


      • #4
        I have a book for your co-workers to read. In it, Big Bird sees how everyone makes a fuss over Ernie when he is sick, so he thinks being sick must be pretty sweet. But when Big Bird gets sick too, he finds our it's not a party after all.


        • #5
          I had bronchitis and strep throat a couple of months ago. Not only was I coughing up a storm, but I had the worst headache that just wouldn't go away. Not only was getting out of bed a huge effort for me, but I couldn't even sleep without waking up every hour.

          Yeah, not fun at all. If anyone would have suggested that I was enjoying that, then maybe they'd like a taste of it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SongsOfDragons View Post
            *offers hugs*

            I hate being ill too. It's just so draining and hopeless-feeling. I got the flu jab for the first time this October just gone, and the usual chest infection I get in wintertime was held at bay, only a short cold getting through. I am so getting that again - after last year's winter ick turned into walking pneumonia, I never want to have that again.

            Get well soon!!
            That's OK, I seem to have gotten yours. Though regular pneumonia, not walking pneumonia. Rob thinks I should go back to my PCP and see if he wants me to check into a hospital, I haven't been able to get more than 15 minutes of sleep at a time in the past few days because even propped mostly upright every time I fall asleep I wake up hacking up goo. I just really hate hospitals. I just want the antibiotics to kick in, it sucks that a lot of the decent remedies are contraindicated with the variety of meds I am normally on.


            • #7
              More hugs around!

              Sorry AccountingDrone... XP

              Mine was walking because I could get from my bed to the sofa and the loo without collapsing. I remember having a bucket on practically an umbillical cord >.< I think I'm very lucky that I can still take penicillin derivatives, because that's what they gave me and it worked.


              • #8
                They used to say stuff like that about me, too. That I was claiming a stomach ache just to leave early. I was having mild nausea and cramps while varying from severe constipation to severe diarrhea. Then I had my gallbladder out. No more stomach problems for about 2 months. When they did start up again, they were worse. I was even more nauseous and dizzy. I overheated VERY easily. The cramps are debilitating. I ended up having to call a medic at work one day because I kept trying to work through it whenever I could. Turns out I was going into anaphylaxis from eating corn, corn byproducts, and corn derivatives. Scared my coworkers and my supervisors enough that they no longer question me about it and just tell me to go home or go to the hospital.


                • #9
                  I've had a throat infection the last couple of days, it's unbelievably painful to swallow, you don't realise how often you swallow daily until it's excruciating to do so.
                  I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                  Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                  • #10
                    I've been off work since December, in physiotherapy and ill off and on thanks to meds and dietary restrictions from the doc. Also developed anxiety problems from long term stress that I can't seem to shake. Was suppose to go back to work this month, but a setback with the doctor derailed me again. Even though my physiotherapist cleared me.

                    So.....yeah. I can relate. -.-


                    • #11
                      Two words: strep throat. It hurt so much to swallow that my mother had to grind everything I ate down to a pulp.


                      • #12
                        At the moment I can barely swallow water, I haven't been able to eat in 3 days
                        I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                        Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.

