I'm SO SICK of seeing the color pink plastered everywhere nowadays! Especially when it seems very strongly like it's being directed towards women (there are studies that have proven certain shades of pink have a pacifying effect on the brain; could this be a subtle attempt at indoctrinating women to be submissive?) - there's pink on damn near everything.
I *loathe* this color immensely and have ever since I was a kid (and my God, there wasn't nearly this much pink around when I was a kid!). Pink only belongs on certain things, and only certain shades look halfway decent. The rest of it makes me want to puke.
Please, someone make it go away!
(Or at least not be so damned prolific!)
I *loathe* this color immensely and have ever since I was a kid (and my God, there wasn't nearly this much pink around when I was a kid!). Pink only belongs on certain things, and only certain shades look halfway decent. The rest of it makes me want to puke.
Please, someone make it go away!
