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"I Miss You"

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  • "I Miss You"

    Aka, "Why don't you text me anymore?" or "The phone works both ways!"

    Uh huh.

    Yeah, I bet you miss me. You miss me so much, you didn't wanna do anything with me, or you haven't texted me in forever, yet there all of a sudden you are. "I miss you". I bet you do. Not.

    "Why don't you text me as much anymore?"

    Oh gee. I don't know. Probably because, people like me have a lot of pride (I know, it's not really a good thing), and we do take a lot into consideration how we appear and come across. And constantly putting effort into something that is hardly ever reciprocated or not in the same way back, people like me begin to feel like idiots, smotherers, whatever have you. And we back off. Not necessarily because we don't want to, but we're sick of looking stupid to ourselves for trying so hard and not getting any results.

    And save your fucking excuses. At least I have the courtesy of telling someone when I'm busy or it's not a good time to talk/text long. But it's ok, I mean, I only have hours and hours and hours and hours to wait for a "Sorry, kinda busy, talk to you tomorrow ok?" that I'll never get, but I'll get to hear from another friend that you guys were hanging out the other day.

    Oh, and don't even start on the phone working both ways. Why don't I text my brother anymore? All he ever responded to me with always was "Maybe" "Ok" "Kk" "Lol" "Hehe" "We'll see" "Probably"......etc etc. Yeah, once again, I feel like a god damned tard for wasting my time asking someone how they are or what's new or if they want to do something sometime.

    Yeah, the phone does work both ways. Me texting/calling, and me waiting or getting nothing back. Why do I even bother.

  • #2
    Blas, I kinda know how you feel. I usually don't hear from most people...until they need something. I try to stay in contact, but when I rarely hear back, I wonder why I even bother.

    In fact, I actually had someone flip out on me because I didn't return her text immediately. Never mind that I was at the damn train station dropping off a friend. Never mind that I was under the train shed, and the noise in there made it impossible to even hear the phone beep. No, I was an asshole because I was "ignoring" her.


    • #3
      Where do you put people who give those one-word answers to texts, or who don't call, *not* because they don't care but simply because they don't have anything to say?
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #4
        Originally posted by protege View Post
        In fact, I actually had someone flip out on me because I didn't return her text immediately...No, I was an asshole because I was "ignoring" her.
        Yeah, that fucking pisses me off too.

        I had someone flip out on me once for something similar. Instead of a text it was I didn't answer the phone right away.

        This happened back in the glorious days when Bluetooth technology was new-ish, still over $150 for a headset, and the wired earpieces were dropping off of the market in anticipation of the upswing in Bluetooth technology.

        Oh and my state had recently passed "Distracted Driver" laws and a phone call on a non-hands-free phone was a primary offence.

        Being in traffic, 5 minutes from home...I figured any sane person would be able to wait until I was free to return the call. Boy was I wrong about the levels of consumer sanity at the time.

        I stopped at a red light and saw who the call was from. Since my friend was on my way home I figured I'd stop in and see what she wanted. Turns out that it was a gathering and they wanted me to join them and chip in on the pizza.

        Remember I said I was 5 minutes away from home? Her house was three minutes up the road from mine. So two minutes had elapsed from the time the last ring finished to the time I pulled in the driveway.

        So I get out of the car and I get the holy what for from my friend for not answering her the femtosecond the phone rang. In front of all our other, mutual friends.

        When she got to the point of the argument where she said "And what do you have to say for yourself?" I answered her.

        "What have I got to say for myself? First of all it's only been TWO FUCKING MINUTES! Any SANE PERSON would think that two minutes was a quick enough response time. My hospital has a 30 minute response time for their IT On-Call staff so if a hospital can wait that can wait a fraction of that without blowing your fucking top!

        Secondly this is MY PHONE and not yours. It is there for MY benefit. If you want this phone to be a leash to contact me whenever you snap your fingers YOU can fucking pay for it. And while you're at it, you're going to have to swing for the Bluetooth since you may not be aware it is illegal to drive and talk without one.

        And lastly, (said when she tried to protest the fact that I was now yelling at her) I don't care that you're mortified that I'm ripping you a new one in front your friend. What the bloody butt-fuck do you think you were doing to me?"

        At which point I turned, went back into my car and meandered home.

        We haven't been friends since. Neither have half the people there at the time since they were more her friends than mine. She was more than a little upset that someone yelled at her and her friends stuck up for her.

        She has the entitled princess mentality and that everything revolves around her. Getting bitched out by me upset her apple cart and she didn't like it.
        “There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do.” - Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by protege View Post

          In fact, I actually had someone flip out on me because I didn't return her text immediately. Never mind that I was at the damn train station dropping off a friend. Never mind that I was under the train shed, and the noise in there made it impossible to even hear the phone beep. No, I was an asshole because I was "ignoring" her.
          My mother did that to me recently. Why didn't I return her text? I was in a CHURCH SERVICE!

          This is not the first time either. Sometimes I don't return it because I'm at work or watching a movie or whatever.


          • #6
            There's a reason why texting is outright disabled on my phone and why almost noone has my number.


            • #7
              My ex bf Whiney Bitch was very unreasonable about texting. Maybe this chapter of my life is payback from how I treated

              When I worked nights and had my own place, I went to my parents' house every day after work to see the pets and my parents. He would get antsy if I didn't respond to his texts immediately. Ditto for when I was driving, which, it always took me at least 15 minutes to get home in good weather and if I didn't have to stop at Walgreens or anywhere else on the way. Damn to me if I dared wanted a smoke and a soda outside or something, he had to come first, otherwise I got the pity party "Well I guess you're too busy for me!"

              My big gripe that with getting a "Smart" phone that has all the fancy stuff on it...and being able to see that my friends indeed are alive and well, but not feeling any urgency to respond to really hurts. Especially when, if they on the rare occasion ever get a hold of me, they pretty much get all butthurt if I don't answer ASAP, nevermind that I work ALL DAY Saturday and Sundays and only get on my phone for break times.

