this is a bit of an explanation of which i will try to keep short.
TL;DR at the bottom of the paragraph
Back in the single digits of the 2000's (ie before 2010 at least)
I had a car wreck, car was written as totaled and i failed to properly report and all that because due to me being fired and STILL letting my insurance know so i could at least try to make payments they cut me off so i had no insurance (at the time i didn't know they just screwed me. i let them have it after all this and so on)
so i was ordered to pay for the person i hit's medical bills and car repair. so i said ok, did my best to get a job and maintain. i did but did not drive for a while. but made sure i had a reliable way to work. then i got fired ie i got made the scape goat this time. informed the people necessary as the agreement was that if i lose my job let the person's insurance know so they can put a hold on it and stop interests rising etc. i did. had to move and get another job., did all that but apparently i failed to do this in the appropriate time slot so it defaulted and i owe all this money etc.
long story short. my license is suspended, i CAN get it unsuspended by paying 100 to renew, and getting an SR21 (I think) insurance form and paying an outrageous amount for two years until i am "trustworthy" again and MAYBE get to drive for work only. i said fuck that. because i am tired of being screwed. i went through the proper channels and did everything right and every time got screwed.
TL;DR got in a wreck, couldn't pay what i owed as it was my fault after a while. insurance screwed me so i now have to pay all of it or tough shit
the point being yes if i were rich or at least employed i'd be able to do this. (the not being able to be employed is another fucking rant) and as i get older the vision in my lazy left eye is faltering even after work on it over the years and muscle training. (covering my right eye to make the left eye work more)
SO. as annoying as it gets i STILL politely explain when asked to make events.
"I'm sorry i cannot make it because my husband works that day. NO my husband is not my keeper, i cannot legally drive and in the long run its safer if i don't as i cannot see well out of my left eye anymore." so i get these lovely responses
"well hur hur you're just lazy"
"you should get a job"
"you should get a job so you can pay this"
"wow i feel bad for you"
"thats not fair to make your husband your chauffer"
and many more similar. EXCUSE ME? oh please believe if i could find out why i am unhirable or could get a job i fucking would and would pay this shit off in a heartbeat. its bad enough that i will HAVE to take a high insurance rate for at LEAST two years for all this fucking crap over ONE accident that i could have avoided had i paid attention to that red light. do you have any idea how much i beat myself up weekly over this? because i already know i am starting to become a big inconvience to hubby. (i have been reassured numerous times i am not, its hard to get rid of that thought)
i thank him as often as i canfor taking me where i need to go. and to help if i have to go somewhere i make sure it coincides with a day thats going to be an outing day period so we all can enjoy going outside.
at least 7 years of me not driving has caused me to become housebound and more than borderline agorophobic. i won't go out past the property line (back and front yard) without someone. it took me weeks to get the courage to take my daughter to walk to the corner when people say this after i have explained the above to them it makes me want to pound their face.
I just walk away now
TL;DR at the bottom of the paragraph
Back in the single digits of the 2000's (ie before 2010 at least)
I had a car wreck, car was written as totaled and i failed to properly report and all that because due to me being fired and STILL letting my insurance know so i could at least try to make payments they cut me off so i had no insurance (at the time i didn't know they just screwed me. i let them have it after all this and so on)
so i was ordered to pay for the person i hit's medical bills and car repair. so i said ok, did my best to get a job and maintain. i did but did not drive for a while. but made sure i had a reliable way to work. then i got fired ie i got made the scape goat this time. informed the people necessary as the agreement was that if i lose my job let the person's insurance know so they can put a hold on it and stop interests rising etc. i did. had to move and get another job., did all that but apparently i failed to do this in the appropriate time slot so it defaulted and i owe all this money etc.
long story short. my license is suspended, i CAN get it unsuspended by paying 100 to renew, and getting an SR21 (I think) insurance form and paying an outrageous amount for two years until i am "trustworthy" again and MAYBE get to drive for work only. i said fuck that. because i am tired of being screwed. i went through the proper channels and did everything right and every time got screwed.
TL;DR got in a wreck, couldn't pay what i owed as it was my fault after a while. insurance screwed me so i now have to pay all of it or tough shit
the point being yes if i were rich or at least employed i'd be able to do this. (the not being able to be employed is another fucking rant) and as i get older the vision in my lazy left eye is faltering even after work on it over the years and muscle training. (covering my right eye to make the left eye work more)
SO. as annoying as it gets i STILL politely explain when asked to make events.
"I'm sorry i cannot make it because my husband works that day. NO my husband is not my keeper, i cannot legally drive and in the long run its safer if i don't as i cannot see well out of my left eye anymore." so i get these lovely responses
"well hur hur you're just lazy"
"you should get a job"
"you should get a job so you can pay this"
"wow i feel bad for you"
"thats not fair to make your husband your chauffer"
and many more similar. EXCUSE ME? oh please believe if i could find out why i am unhirable or could get a job i fucking would and would pay this shit off in a heartbeat. its bad enough that i will HAVE to take a high insurance rate for at LEAST two years for all this fucking crap over ONE accident that i could have avoided had i paid attention to that red light. do you have any idea how much i beat myself up weekly over this? because i already know i am starting to become a big inconvience to hubby. (i have been reassured numerous times i am not, its hard to get rid of that thought)
i thank him as often as i canfor taking me where i need to go. and to help if i have to go somewhere i make sure it coincides with a day thats going to be an outing day period so we all can enjoy going outside.
at least 7 years of me not driving has caused me to become housebound and more than borderline agorophobic. i won't go out past the property line (back and front yard) without someone. it took me weeks to get the courage to take my daughter to walk to the corner when people say this after i have explained the above to them it makes me want to pound their face.
I just walk away now