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Discussing social issues IRL.

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  • Discussing social issues IRL.

    Yeah, I know, not a good idea, but it's because some people just jump to conclusions about what you say and make you out to be a monster.

    Don't like the war on drugs? YOU WANT PEOPLE TO RUIN THEIR LIVES!!! ELEVENTY!!!

    Think Mothers Against Drunk Driving takes things too far sometimes? YOU'RE HEARTLESS! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO DIED BECAUSE OF DRUNK DRIVING!!!

    Don't like the TSA? YOU'RE ON THE TERRORISTS SIDE!!!

    Don't think banning guns is the right course of action? YOU WANT ALL OUT ANARCHY!!!

    To answer those questions.

    -No, I don't want people to ruin their lives, which is why I don't want people to have a criminal record for smoking weed (a victimless crime). Yeah, that's going to help them find jobs and improve their lives!

    -I do care. If I lost someone I cared about to drunk driving, I'd be homicidal. But that doesn't make MADD any less militant.

    -No, I'm not on the terrorists side. I hate the terrorsts just as much as anyone else, but that doesn't mean I have to like the TSA's response for dealing with them.

    -No, I don't want Anarchy and I certainly don't want another Sandy Hook. However, I'm not convinced that banning guns will prevent these kind of incidents. (I know the president doesn't want to ban all guns, but there are people who do and this is what it was directed at).

    It's like there are only two sides for these people. The extremists on one side or the extremists on the other. There's never a third solution. And if you express any view that's contrary to what they believe, even if it's not extreme, you'll be labeled as the extreme ones.

    Now I know this shit happens online (even here), but online it's easier to just walk away from the thread when things get too heated. You can't always do that IRL.

  • #2
    Whenever I'm with people, especially colleauges or people I don't know very well, and they start discussing this stuff, I just smile and nod and continue on. It's just not worth it to possibly strain a relationship over where you draw the line between banned weapons and reasonable weapons, or whether marijuana should be banned or not, and so on.

    I'll speak up if there's something seriously wrong being said, (e.g. "we should allow wives to be beaten" or "I don't think we gave Nazism enough of a chance") but other than that I avoid the confrontation.


    • #3
      With online vs real life
      IRL people can talk over you or interrupt you in numerous ways, whom ever shouts the loudest is right, yet you can get your points across uninterrupted online, it's just not up to us if the reader reads all of what you say or decides how to interpret what could be plain English.

