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  • Apostrophobia

    Apostrophobia - I define it as the fear of not knowing when to use an apostrophe, therefore causing people to insert one whether or not it's needed. For example, some people use apostrophes every time they pluralize a word or use a verb conjugation ending in "s." It really get's on my nerves. I wish people would stop using these unnecessary apostrophe's.
    Last edited by Antipsych; 11-12-2008, 11:24 PM.

  • #2
    I've seen a shop called Gift's Direct who is Mr(s) Gift, and where do they live?
    The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


    • #3
      Ummm - if they were using it too much, rather than not at all, wouldn't that make them an 'apostrophile'???
      ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

      SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


      • #4
        I know I've been having a hard time not apostraphying my "its" when speaking of objects or genderless beings (like, "the horse ate its favourite kind of apple"). Though I do have the 'abit of putting apostraphies in the strangest of places.

        One forumite at another place said I knew when to use semicolans, though.
        "I take it your health insurance doesn't cover acts of pussy."


        • #5
          Everytime I type it's/its I just mentally put in "it is" in its place. If it fits, slap in an apostrophe, if it doesn't then omit it.


          • #6
            That's what I do, two.



            • #7
              I no what u mean....
              ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

              SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
                Ummm - if they were using it too much, rather than not at all, wouldn't that make them an 'apostrophile'???
                Sounds good to me - but I still say they're apostrophiles because they're apostrophobic!
                Last edited by Antipsych; 11-16-2008, 11:05 PM.


                • #9
                  I actually have a link I keep around for the worst offenders.

                  "Never confuse the faith with the so-called faithful." -- Cartoonist R.K. Milholland's father.
                  A truer statement has never been spoken about any religion.


                  • #10
                    Arcade Man D, that is just TOO funny!

