Grave - I'll ask you, how do you think the image is exported? In general Texas has a very light footprint in entertainment (that's still West coast) and outside of Glenn Beck who moved there after being kicked off of Fox, we have no major media footprint. Texas doesn't originate its headlines or have media personalities largely conversent in its politics like New York or Cali. About the only media we do spin is the Cowboys and that is entirely meant to sell jerseys. What you hear about Texas comes from either Hollywood or news organizations headquartered in the northeast.
The presidential question is a better question but it's a detailed one. Carter was Carter and Reagan was Reagan. So from the 80's to 1992 you have the guy who (whether you like him or not jumpstarted the modern Republican party) and a Texas politician(two in the 92 election technically). Ann Richards was governor during that period so you did have a Democrat that was elected state wide. 1996 Clinton lost based on values voting as scandal was not sitting well in the state. Bush was a former governor so the first win is not shocking. The second win occurs after redistricting, a point that state wide a lot of democrats essentially capitulated (2004). 2008 was Obama, but Obama was not like Clinton and although he has been more moderate in his actual government, that's not how he ran his campaign. He lost that election because of his War on Terror rhetoric and non-specific change rhetoric. But again, even then you're now talking about a state where voter turnout on the Democratic side was depressed. That brings you to 2012, and the only thing I can say is you're now talking about a state with a political machine that's been in power for 12 years headed by Rick Perry who didn't even debate his opponent and won by a large margin. Despite the largest inflow of voters being hispanic which skew Democrat, the gap has widened which doesn't make sense unless the voting is depressed, shenanigans, or malfeasance. So Presidential has a story, Gubernatorial is technically not true although they've had two governors in 19 years which have been Republican. I'm just not sure how you can't look at that and see what I'm telling you though. Seriously, Perry bankrupted the state AND got reelected. His own party couldn't beat him.
So the whole thing has a history to it, but it ends with an entrenched political machine and one that the national press doesn't really follow. That's what machines do, they disenfranchise.
That was why the rant honestly, there's a huge freaking story there that gets turned into "Texas does" which is really "Republican party was allowed to while the national Democrats watched."
The presidential question is a better question but it's a detailed one. Carter was Carter and Reagan was Reagan. So from the 80's to 1992 you have the guy who (whether you like him or not jumpstarted the modern Republican party) and a Texas politician(two in the 92 election technically). Ann Richards was governor during that period so you did have a Democrat that was elected state wide. 1996 Clinton lost based on values voting as scandal was not sitting well in the state. Bush was a former governor so the first win is not shocking. The second win occurs after redistricting, a point that state wide a lot of democrats essentially capitulated (2004). 2008 was Obama, but Obama was not like Clinton and although he has been more moderate in his actual government, that's not how he ran his campaign. He lost that election because of his War on Terror rhetoric and non-specific change rhetoric. But again, even then you're now talking about a state where voter turnout on the Democratic side was depressed. That brings you to 2012, and the only thing I can say is you're now talking about a state with a political machine that's been in power for 12 years headed by Rick Perry who didn't even debate his opponent and won by a large margin. Despite the largest inflow of voters being hispanic which skew Democrat, the gap has widened which doesn't make sense unless the voting is depressed, shenanigans, or malfeasance. So Presidential has a story, Gubernatorial is technically not true although they've had two governors in 19 years which have been Republican. I'm just not sure how you can't look at that and see what I'm telling you though. Seriously, Perry bankrupted the state AND got reelected. His own party couldn't beat him.
So the whole thing has a history to it, but it ends with an entrenched political machine and one that the national press doesn't really follow. That's what machines do, they disenfranchise.
That was why the rant honestly, there's a huge freaking story there that gets turned into "Texas does" which is really "Republican party was allowed to while the national Democrats watched."