Baldwin is a dick, but Baldwin isn't selling a wholesome, down home family image in a benign time slot on a relatively tame TV network. If Alec Baldwin calls you a cunt on live TV, you think "Jesus, what an asshole". If Martha Stewart calls you a cunt on live TV, her empire crumbles because its the antithesis of the product she normally sells.
That said, regardless of how many of the allegations are true, Paula Deen destroyed herself by mishandling the entire thing. He utterly horrific, blubbering apologies completely sunk her. Because people look at that and go "Well, she must have said/done something horrible if she has to apologize like that".
If she had denied it and said wait for the trial, treated it as a minor infraction from her past or simply stuck to no comment, the circus would have died down. But because she manufactured this huge production around herself, she churned up the waters even more.
That said, regardless of how many of the allegations are true, Paula Deen destroyed herself by mishandling the entire thing. He utterly horrific, blubbering apologies completely sunk her. Because people look at that and go "Well, she must have said/done something horrible if she has to apologize like that".
If she had denied it and said wait for the trial, treated it as a minor infraction from her past or simply stuck to no comment, the circus would have died down. But because she manufactured this huge production around herself, she churned up the waters even more.