I really am getting tired of my religion being shit on all the time.
I know we have a reputation for being judgmental and a bit unorthodox. But oh my god, what Christian religion hasn't been?
Why are Mormons picked on more than any other religion? I'm getting sick of it. It's retardedly hypocritical too, because I get people making blanket generalizations of Mormons (For example, only a Mormon would find cleavage offensive...). These same people say that Mormons have too many rules and Mormons can't think for themselves because we're all brainwashed and cult-ified.
Well, excuse me. I take offense that you're insulting my intelligence like that.
Bashing someone for believing in a particular gospel is just retarded. Either you believe in a higher power, or you don't. And while I'm all for intelligent debate, atheism vs. theism or what-the-heck-ever, anybody telling me I'm a brainwashed moron (LOL CLEVER TYPO LOLZ) for being LDS is just baffling to me.
Christians weren't always the most popular crowd. Now that Christianity is a lot more mainstream (thousands of years later, kthx), they're fighting amongst each other and it's STUPID.
Follow your own god damn sense of morality. Us LDS folk do. Regardless of how many guidelines we follow, we are still unique human beings who can think for ourselves!
I may not be the best Mormon EVAR, (I'm a single mother, I swear, and I don't go to church) but I'm doing my best. You don't see me shitting on you for doing what you think is best for YOURSELF do you?
No. You don't.
Stop using Mormon as an insult for someone who is judgmental or biased or ignorant. It's juvenile, and it's getting old.
I know we have a reputation for being judgmental and a bit unorthodox. But oh my god, what Christian religion hasn't been?
Why are Mormons picked on more than any other religion? I'm getting sick of it. It's retardedly hypocritical too, because I get people making blanket generalizations of Mormons (For example, only a Mormon would find cleavage offensive...). These same people say that Mormons have too many rules and Mormons can't think for themselves because we're all brainwashed and cult-ified.
Well, excuse me. I take offense that you're insulting my intelligence like that.
Bashing someone for believing in a particular gospel is just retarded. Either you believe in a higher power, or you don't. And while I'm all for intelligent debate, atheism vs. theism or what-the-heck-ever, anybody telling me I'm a brainwashed moron (LOL CLEVER TYPO LOLZ) for being LDS is just baffling to me.
Christians weren't always the most popular crowd. Now that Christianity is a lot more mainstream (thousands of years later, kthx), they're fighting amongst each other and it's STUPID.
Follow your own god damn sense of morality. Us LDS folk do. Regardless of how many guidelines we follow, we are still unique human beings who can think for ourselves!
I may not be the best Mormon EVAR, (I'm a single mother, I swear, and I don't go to church) but I'm doing my best. You don't see me shitting on you for doing what you think is best for YOURSELF do you?
No. You don't.
Stop using Mormon as an insult for someone who is judgmental or biased or ignorant. It's juvenile, and it's getting old.