So the store I work in is part of a larger chain, with stores in four provinces. The province I live in is quite climatically different than the province our head office is located in. This becomes a problem when we start talking about the weather.
The climate at our head office is quite mild, with winters not dipping too far below 0 celsius in the winter times, and summer temperatures rarely above 25. The climate in my province is far more volatile, with winters getting to the -50 point on occasion and summers sometimes hitting the 40 mark.
... Guess where our climate control office is located?
That's right, the heating and air con systems are handled by a company in the mild province. So when it's warm outside here, the heating is still cranked to handle our usually-arctic weather. The worst part is my department has a wall of TVs, every single one putting out heat. Right now, I am working in a sauna - it is over 25 degrees in here, and I do a lot of physical labour. What does our air-con company say when we call them?
"We're showing that you're in [Province]. Isn't it really cold there all the time?"
You've gotta be freaking kidding me. It's above 0 right now! Do you not have the internet? The Weather Network? Do you even try?
"Well, it can take a day for the heating to adjust when the weather changes."
It's been above 0 for more than a week! Again, do you have any semblance of a brain??
"Oh. Well... We'll change it."
Damn right you will.
I've worked here for just about five years and we go through this song and dance every time the weather changes. I hate the fact that we can't control it locally. It's such a freaking headache.
The climate at our head office is quite mild, with winters not dipping too far below 0 celsius in the winter times, and summer temperatures rarely above 25. The climate in my province is far more volatile, with winters getting to the -50 point on occasion and summers sometimes hitting the 40 mark.
... Guess where our climate control office is located?
That's right, the heating and air con systems are handled by a company in the mild province. So when it's warm outside here, the heating is still cranked to handle our usually-arctic weather. The worst part is my department has a wall of TVs, every single one putting out heat. Right now, I am working in a sauna - it is over 25 degrees in here, and I do a lot of physical labour. What does our air-con company say when we call them?
"We're showing that you're in [Province]. Isn't it really cold there all the time?"
You've gotta be freaking kidding me. It's above 0 right now! Do you not have the internet? The Weather Network? Do you even try?
"Well, it can take a day for the heating to adjust when the weather changes."
It's been above 0 for more than a week! Again, do you have any semblance of a brain??
"Oh. Well... We'll change it."
Damn right you will.
I've worked here for just about five years and we go through this song and dance every time the weather changes. I hate the fact that we can't control it locally. It's such a freaking headache.