am friends with a married couple. long story short:
he had to retire from the service...E4 i think for medical reasons
and he is getting screwed over left and right, not being hired BECAUSE he served, government witholdhing his pay/retirement and having to do assessments. and even when they are to pay him it is not even close to what was promised....
and that is just the tip of the iceburg.
i believe in serving one's country but not to be screwed over at every turn during and after service.
he had to retire from the service...E4 i think for medical reasons
and he is getting screwed over left and right, not being hired BECAUSE he served, government witholdhing his pay/retirement and having to do assessments. and even when they are to pay him it is not even close to what was promised....
and that is just the tip of the iceburg.
i believe in serving one's country but not to be screwed over at every turn during and after service.