This is something that frequently frustrates me. When I get in a discussion with someone, and it turns into picking apart etymology, and saying that because a word is derived from (X,) that means that the word must mean (X.) This morning I saw someone posting that 'Heretic' meant 'Person who can choose,' and thus is a compliment, because it's derived from 'Hearetikos,' which has that meaning. Which, to start with, no, 'Haereo' means 'To choose,' but 'Haeretikos' means 'Person who twists the truth to their advantage and to cause discord,' like conspiracy theorists or Fox News anchors. But even putting that aside, why should I assume that a word's meaning wouldn't change, and thus base my interpretation on that idea? Heretic means "Person who follows unorthodox beliefs within a religious tradition." It doesn't mean the word it meant 2000 years ago. It means what it means today. If something meant something different even 10 years ago, it now at the very least has a new meaning, if the majority if people within the society are using it.
Otherwise I'd wonder why astronomer Neil Degrasse Tyson can't tell me my future, and astrologer Deb Holding is interested in doing something other than just figuring out what's in the sky*. I'd be totally perplexed about the fact that there are pagans in cities and in the military, and confused about why a geometry class isn't telling me anything about the earth. I'd certainly have no idea how my dad was dying of cancer, since I would assume that crabs at most led to itching, or why Eddie Izzard can call himself a comedian if he doesn't sing on stage.
*I personally find it hilarious that the meanings switched.
Otherwise I'd wonder why astronomer Neil Degrasse Tyson can't tell me my future, and astrologer Deb Holding is interested in doing something other than just figuring out what's in the sky*. I'd be totally perplexed about the fact that there are pagans in cities and in the military, and confused about why a geometry class isn't telling me anything about the earth. I'd certainly have no idea how my dad was dying of cancer, since I would assume that crabs at most led to itching, or why Eddie Izzard can call himself a comedian if he doesn't sing on stage.
*I personally find it hilarious that the meanings switched.